Azriel x Reader

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I had 2 younger sisters,who I grew up taking care of. Our parents both left us alone in this world when we were pretty young,we couldn't do anything about it,but the worst thing was my   eye condition which is getting worse every single day.

I was blind in my left eye,the right being halfway bad as the left one.

No one wanted to hire an almost blind woman to worl for them,even this didn't stop me from doing anything possible so my sisters never go to bed on an empty stomach. Even if it meant one for me.

All this changed when I met the man who changed our lives forever. The Spymaster of our Court. We met in one of the shops in the city. I bumped into him on my way out.

The only thing I could see was a tall,dark silhouette with mighty wings on it's back. I apologized and left as fast as I could. The only thing I wanted was trouble for disrespecting someone.

We began meeting each other more and more often,which I later found out was because he asked around for me and my name.

At first I was quite cautious,but a while into our meetings he cornered me while I was trying to leave, telling me he wanted to take our relationship further on, despite my condition and imperfections.

And so here we are now,on our wedding day, almost a year later.

(I've always wanted to write a wedding scene so let's just pretend they do human weddings there too instead of only a ritual)

My dress was a gift from Mor,that woman became like a sister to me in no time,like we knew eachother forever.

It hugged my body nicely, thigh on my waist and my hips, getting wider and wider as it neared the ground,while a beautiful white veil covered my head.

We decided that I wanted Mor and Cassian to help me go to the altar and for Rhys to marry us,as he had the power to do so as the High Lord.

My little sisters weren't left out of the ceremony. Willa was supposed to walk in front of us, spreading beautiful white rose petals,and Joseline behind us doing the same but with red rose petals. Everything was perfect,even if it was only family.

As we neared the altar I could finally catch onto Azriel's face. When we officially got together he sat me down and suggested going to a healer to see if we can do something about my vision.

Now,after almost a year of treatments my sight was no near perfect,but I could finally see my future husband and admire his beautiful features.

I took his hands in mine as we waited for Rhys to start.

"You are breathtakingly beautiful,my love." I heard Az says as he lowered his head towards me so only I could hear him.

"For what I can see,you don't look so bad yourself,baby." I returned his compliment with a bit of sarcasm as we gave out small laughs.

"We're ready to start now, lovebirds."said Rhys with a playful smile.
"Okay then, let's do this." I replied as I held thigh onto Az's hands, feeling every single one of his scars.

Both of us had our flaws,and that's what made us so perfect for eachother,we accepted that no one was near perfect and that we are unique for what we are.

"Hello everyone, beloved friends and family. We're here today to bring into a sacred union two old souls who have been searching for one another for so many years. Now, that were here ,and the bride and groom have already said their vows to one another in private,we can hurry up and get those two married." Said Rhys as he earned lots of laughs from everyone present, including me and Azriel.

"Spymaster,do you accept this beautiful and unique lady to be your wife,in sickness and health, in wealth and poverty,to love her unconditionally,no matter what fate might might throw in your way?" asked Rhys, looking in Azriel's way.

"I do." replied my still fiancé.

"Y/N ,do you accept man,my brother and closest friend to be your husband,in sickness and health, in wealth and poverty,to love him unconditionally,no matter what fate might might throw in your way?" asked Rhys once again.

"I do." I answered with a big smile plastered on my face.
"Well then,I have nothing else to say. With the power given me by the Mother,now I announce you as a husband and wife. The groom may now kiss his bride."

Wasting no time Azriel grabbed my face in his big hands, bringing me closer to him as our lips met in a sweet kiss. During our special moment nothing else mattered,like it was only the two of us.

We were pulled out of our trance as small hands shook our legs, seeking our attention.

Willa and Joseline were staring at us with their big eyes, twinkling with joy.

Azriel bent down, scooping both of them up,each in one hand as he brought them up on our eye level.

"I have one more vow to say,and it's towards you two,little ones." Said Azriel as he gave the two girls a kiss on their cheeks, earning lots of giggles from them.

"I promise,once again,no matter what to take care of your sister and you two,to protect you no matter the consequences or the situation. I promise to love you endlessly,as much as I love your sister. You can look up to me as whatever you like-a brother,a friend, whatever you choose. You had a rough life in the begging,but now,with me here I promise to make everything better,to make you feel happy and loved." Said Azriel as the two girls gazed deeply in his eyes.

Everyone was quiet, waiting for one of them to say something.

"We love you too,Azzy." Screamed Willa, the youngest as she threw her hands around his neck, followed by Joseline who did the same.

The night went on with dancing and laughing with our family.

When I look beck in our lives a year ago I would've never thought that we would be here today,me getting married to a man who loves me unconditionally,and for my sisters to finally get a male figure in their lives,who  can show them how a woman should be treated and show them real love and support that our father wasn't here to do.

I couldn't be more thankful for having the opportunity to meet and love such an amazing man and I'd never change this.

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