Helion x Reader

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"So you're choosing to leave me?" asked Helion with an irritated tone as I watched him pace around the room from the couch.

"My love, you know how much I've wanted to become a healer,ever since we were kids this has been my dream." I explained as simple as possible,hoping that he would understand.

"Yes,I know that,but now you serve me the news that you want to go to a court on the other side of Prythian,which makes it even harder for us to be able to meet." He was even more irritated now,I could tell.

"But we have all the time in the world to be together after I finish my studies,love,and you know this,why are you making it even harder for us." I pleaded as I got up from my seat, taking one of his hands in mine.

"You can't just expect me to wait an entire decade alone,can you,Y/N?" he said with a mocking tone in his voice,my entire body went still.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, I needed to hear it from him to make sure .

"You can't expect me to stay faithful to you for 10 years, without even knowing if you're going to actually come back and not get with some punk from the Night Court. If you're leaving, better end what we're doing. For the better." He said,his last words cold as ice.

My silence lasted a few seconds before I got myself together,I was not going to let a man control my life choices.

"If you wish so,my Lord, so let be it. Have a nice day." I said,before exiting the room,opening a new chapter of my life.

Time skip

20 years passed since I left my home and started the journey of becoming a successful healer. And so here I was now, running a successful career as the main healer of the Night Court. People valued my skills and hard work and that's what mattered the most.

I was never a person to get nervous or stress  over a case,but now,when I heard that they needed me to go and heal the Lord of the Day Court,my blood ran cold the second I heard.

The war just ended a week ago and apparently,Helion had been struck by a poisoned arrow,the poison being unknown to the healers in the Day Court. Slowly spreading through his body,they called for me, hoping that I'd be able to help. I was just hoping I wasn't too late.

"This way miss,thank you so much for coming so fast,you are our last option." said a young girl,who I haven't seen while living here all these years ago.

"I'll try my best,thanks for sending for me."  I gave her a smile as she left me in front of the door of the room that I used to share with my lover all these years ago.

As I entered the room the all so familiar scent hit me, the one of my once so called partner,nothing changed in the room,it was the same way I left it 20 years ago.

As I took a step closer to the bed,Helion turned his head from the bed in my direction,his eyes barely opened, scanning my silhouette.

"My eyes must be deceiving me,is it time to go?" He asked with a raspy voice,eyes closing. "At least I will go welcomed by the woman I love most." he added as a small smile appeared on his lips.

" It's not a dream,Helion, I'm here to help you, you're not going to die,not on my watch." I smiled as a tear fell down my face.

"Y/N? Is it really you,my love. You're finally back. I've missed you so much." muttered Helion,eyes closed,sweat dripping down from his forehead.

"I've missed you too,love. I'm here to help now,when you're better you can tell me how you've been all these years."I said as I got to work.

"Stay with me,when it's over, stay here with me ,lets live the way we planned when we were 10. Let's do it." he said, falling back asleep a few minutes after since I gave him a medicine to reduce the pain.

After that I got to work,after countless hours of testing all different kinds of antidotes I finally found the right one. Turns out it was from a poisonous plant, brought to Prythian from the human lands.

Antidote for it was extremely hard to find since it's very rare and not many people go back there in order to collect some of it.

After a week of constant care and sleepless nights,Helion was finally getting better,now being able to sit up in bed and eat on his own. I never left his side,even when he was asleep, fearing the worst was going to happen.

"I never thought I'd see you again,Y/N. My heart never stopped fluttering when you popped up in my mind." said Helion. He called out for me a few minutes ago, finally feeling better and wishing for me and him to talk.

"Then why did you never looked for me? For 20 years, I thought you moved on already." I smiled as I held his hand.

"I was too afraid that you've done the same. All these years ago,what I said before you left,it was foolish and inconsiderate of me. I was selfish to think only about me and try to stop you from pursuing your dreams. If you find it in your heart to forgive me, I'd be forever thankful." one of his hands stroked my cheek,the feeling of his gentle hands reminding me of the old times.

"I understand you, Helion. Also when I look back at it now, I'd never expect you to wait for me for so long. Everything is forgiven now,please just focus on healing as best as you could." I gave him a warm smile and a kiss on the forehead.

"I want you to think about what I said when you first came back a week ago. Please. I want to have a life with you,I never stopped loving you and I almost died. I want to live to the fullest,but with you. Please consider my offer."He said,a hopeful look on his face.

"Helion,as much as I love you, I can't just leave everything I've built in the Night Court,I have to think through this very well." I said with unease.

"Whatever you want and need,I can give it to you here,I don't want to pressure you,but please, consider this well. I'd respect your decision whatever it is."
"I guess I'll think about it then." I said, smiling once again.

Time skip

"I can't believe I'm getting a clinic of my own,this is a dream I've never thought would come true." I said as I excitedly put my dress on, preparing for the opening of my own clinic after 5 years of being back in the Day Court.

2 years ago,for my birthday, Helion gifted me a beautiful parcel near the castle,he said I could do whatever I wanted with it, but I already knew what it was going to be.

"You're the most hardworking person I know,my love,you can achieve any dream of your,with or without my help." said Helion,hugging me from behind,putting his head in my shoulder, staring at our reflection in the mirror.

"Thank you so much for everything again,Helion. I love you,so much." I said as I gave him a small kiss.

"I'd give you the world if you ask me to, there's nothing I wouldn't do if you asked me to. You're my person, forever." He said, turning me around in order to get a better look at my face.

"Your person,just as you're mine,forever." I replied as we stood like this for a few more seconds before going for the rest of our day.

AN: how've you been my dudes??Sorry for being so inactive these last few weeks, I've just been so out of it that I never got any ideas or inspiration to write something.

So any ideas that could make my brain finally start working??!! I'd appreciate everything.

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