Azriel x Reader

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Summary:Y/N had a nightmare after being held hostage and Azriel comforts her.

It's been a few months since I was taken as a hostage while checking on ine of the Illyrian war camps.

We knew there were people who didn't agree with the way Rhys ruled over the Night Court, forbidding old traditions that were too dangerous.But we never expected them going this far, taking a hostage and almost killing an entire camp, filled with fellow soldiers, women and children.

I could never forget the  week I spent inside a cell, with no light and fresh air. The smell of blood and rotting bodies filling up the air.

At the end of every day I would get whipped, 10 times for each painful scream I let out.

Thankfully after a week I was found and saved by Cassian, who brought me back to my mate, who never let me out of his sight again. And I didn't mind that, I liked the feeling of him close to me.

It was another night filled with nightmares, some times there were more than one. All filled with my screams and the face of the men who tortured me.

I would wake up, screaming, kicking and crying.

One time again after having a nightmare, while trying to wake me up Azriel ended up with a bruised eye as I hit him in the face, taking him for one of those men.

Tonight made no difference when it came to the nightmares, I was in that awful place ince again, my entire body hurting as blood dripped down my back.

Outside the cell I could hear male voices, talking about how when my friends gave up on looking for me, they would finally get to have their fun with me.

"Try touching me and my mate will tear your libms apart." - I screamed.

"Did you hear something, Malekin?" - said one of the two men who guarded me.

"Yeah, I think I did. I think that bag of shit just opened her mouth." - answered the one named Malekin.

"And I think she needs another lesson about how to keep that pretty mouth of her shut."-added he as he took out the whip and headed in my direction once more as i started screaming once again.

"Wake up, Y/N, please. You're dreaming it's nit real my love." - I heard another voice call out for me.

With a big gasp I sat right up in our bed. My breathing fast, entire body covered in sweat. It was all a dream. I repeated in my head.

"Azriel." - I whispered out,giving him a sorrowful look."I am so sorry for waking you up again. I should go sleep in another room so you can get your sleep." - I started getting up when I felt a warm hand curl around my waist, pulling me to a strong chest.

"You're not going anywhere, you'll stay here with me and if you wake up again I'm going tovbe right by your side. You'll never be alone again,love."-he whispered as he gave me small kisses over my hair.

"Thank you for putting up with me, Az." - I said asy head fell on his shoulder. "I need a bath, I'm so sweaty, and I don't think I'll be able to sleep more. Care to join me?" - I asked my mate, stretching out a hand for him to take.

"Of course,love."-he answered, taking my hand in his rough but gentle one.

As we went inside the bathroom the bath in the corner started filling itself immediately. While waiting for it to fill up we stripped out clothes and then we settled comfortably in the bath. Azriel first and me second as I nestled on his chest. His arms went around my waist, caressing my belly gently as he left small kisses on my neck.

"Do you want to talk about it?" - he asked quietly.
"It was all the same, they hurt me and then... then they talked how they will get to have their fun with me once you stop looking for me. I never want to be touched by another, Az, no one elae but you."-I turned my head around to look at him.

"And I want you to touch me now." - I said just above a whisper as I leaned in, inviting him over for a kiss.

"I'll never let another male touch you Y/N. Never" - he responded, claiming my lips with his sharing a passionate kiss, which later turned into a heavy make out session.

I was turned around, my breasts touching Azriel's chest as it made me even more aroused. I was so ready for him. We haven't been together for over a month and right now my body was burning to feel him in side of me.

"I'm ready Az, take me, take me now." - I said, kissing him once again as I felt a growl coming out from his chest and the next moment I felt his member enter me, making me give out a loud moan.

"Oh baby. I've missed the feeling of you so much." - mumbled Az against my neck, licking amd biting it."I never want to forget it." - he added as he started moving slowly.

This man was going to be the death of me. I started going up and slowly falling down, the water around us splashing out on the floor as pir bodies moved like one.

"I love you so much, Shadowsinger."-I mumbled against his lips, gently biting them.

"I love you too, my love. And I plan on loving and pleasing you for the rest of our time." - he responded just as when he hit that one spot that made me lose it all.

"Az."-I whimpered.

"Come for me, love. Let me hear you scream. Let everyone know how I make you feel. Nobody else can do it like that." - he said. Hearing his raspy voice added even more tension, with this I came all over him.

I lowered my forehead against his.

"Sure nobody else can. Only you know how to make me feel things I've never felt before." - I answered. "I think I prefer spending the rest of the night with you in bed instead of going back to sleep." - I added.

"Whatever the holdee of my heart and mind wishes wishes." - said Azriel as he scooped me out of the bad, butt naked as he headed to our bed with me in his arms.

We sure did make up for all the time we didn't give ourselves to the other one.

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