Lucien x Reader Pt.2

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Lucien's POV

Amren did find her,and I was heading there right now.She was where we met for the first time ever,here in the night court,near a beautiful waterfall.I'm just hoping that I am not too late.Yes,she might not be my mate,but I loved her more than everything.

After growing up with parents who did not love each other and never showed any affection I swore to her and myself that I would love her and our future children endlessly.No matter what happens.And I did exactly the opposite by telling her to leave and never come back.

Telling her I was going to go to another woman who can give me a child. What was I even thinking?Now she might be laying there dead,her last thoughts being of ,e with another woman...I will never be able to forgive myself.

As I winnowed there I saw her.Sitting cross-legged near the edge,looking somewhere in the distance,thinking Mother knows what.

''Y/N!''-I screamed,my voice echoing all around.

Her head snapped in my direction,eyes widening as she stood up.

''Lucien, please don't come closer.I will be leaving soon please,leave me alone.''-she begged,tears once again streaming down her rosy cheeks,her reddish hair being swayed by

the wind. She was so beautiful.

''I am not here to hurt you ,my love, I need to speak with you,please.What I said last night was not true.Not a single word of it was true.I never meant to hurt you like that.''- I was desperate, if I lost her I might just die with her. I was not gonna let that happen again.


He was here,how did he find me?....Stupid question , he probably made Amren cast a spell so he can find me easier. They probably read the notes I left them , so he came here to pity me,trying to change my mind.He hurt me,and now he is trying to fix everything he did.

''You hurt me,Lucien.You hurt me deeply.Even if you're sorry,you can't just fix everything up.You knew how badly I wanted us to have a child,together-me and you.And even given the circumstances that you were heavily drunk,you told me you were to go to another woman, to get what you wanted.This isn't something you fix with just a mere sorry.

''I know my love, I know. And im going to use all the time I get with you in order to heal the wounds I have caused you.Just let me make it up to you.Come back to me my love, let's go home and talk things out.''-he begged,his voice cracking.

''If I go with you now,how can I be sure you will not do something reckless again when we argue once more.How can I devote myself to you again Lucien.My heart can't take being broken once again.- I explained.

''Baby,please just come back with me,when we calm down we can talk about everything that happened.Please lets fix this together and maybe one day create a family of our own.''-his hand stretching out towards mine. ''I have never loved anyone like a love you,Y/N , we might now be mates,but both of us can feel that our souls cannot live without one another.''

''Oh,Lucien''-I managed to spill out,my throat once again burning with tears.

Deciding that we should talk more when we are not so tired and at a cliff's edge,I took his hand in mine,letting him winnow us away.Back to our home.

50 years later

Things now are a lot better than how they were half a century ago.Me and Lucien were able to fix our relationship, which leading to where we are now. Once again at our home.The only difference now was that I was holding a small bundle of joy in my arms,our son-Orpheus-born just yesterday.

We were overjoyed 10 months ago when we learned from Madja that we were expecting a baby.Lucien falling to his knees,kissing my belly and thanking the Mother.

I was pulled out of my memories when my son started crying in my arms,Someone knocking on our door at the same time.

''I'LL get the door,my love,you go check on Orpheus''-Lucien said,going past me,kissing my cheek and going for the door.

I was quite surprised when I heard the voices of the Inner Circle's members.They probably have found out about me giving birth.I was just hoping that now,Feyre or Nesta will not direct their anger towards my son.

During those 50 years me, I and the 2 Archeron sisters never got the chance to make our relationship better,only meeting now and then when Lucien was invited over.Him refusing to leave me all alone,I didn't complain though,I loved being with him.

''I did not expect to see you guys at our door,please come in.''- laughed Lucien,inviting everyone in.

''Well we learned from Madja that you became a father yesterday,so we decided to come visit and if were lucky-to see the newest member of the Night Court''-said Feyre.Rhys coughing beside her,trying to remind her of something else.''If the mother allows it of course''-added she.

''Well you guys are lucky,little man just woke up.Y/N ,my love come down please,we have visitors.''-called out my husband.

Putting all my self-control in,I went to the stairs to the living room,where everyone was.

''Hello everyone,I'm happy to see you all here.''- I smiled,looking back down to my son,who was observing the emotions flowing up in my eyes.

''We wanted to congratulate you guys.It is not very often we get to see a fae child be born.''-said Rhysand.

''If I'm not interrupting....may I please hold him for a while.''-said a quiet voice from the back of the crowd,that being Elain.She was one of the few people who supported us and didn't turn against me.

''Of course Elain,please come.''- I gave her a warm smile.

She came up slowly,giving her arms our,waiting for my son to be placed there.

''What's his name?''-asked Nesta,getting all eyes in her direction.

''His name is Orpheus''-I smiled at her. Even if we didn't get along,all that mattered right now was my precious,little baby that rested in Elain's arms.

Few hours later

Everyone took turns in holding our son,admiring his golden eyes,that he got from his father, and the white hair that he got from me and was born with.Right now ,Orpheus was in Cassian's arms,the big male making funny faces and talking about how he was going to teach him how to fight and swoon ladies up with those eyes of his.

N arm on my shoulder shook me out of my stare.It was , Feyre,asking if we could talk privately.

We left everyone in the living room,going to the empty kitchen.

''If I am about to hear more insults thrown my or my son's direction...''- I started.

''No,no...I actually wanted to apologies from me and Nesta's name.''-she said.I was quite shook.

''We have always thought that being with your mate was the best option ever. We are sorry for being so horrible to you.We'd be happy if you find it in your hearth to forgive us.''-she said,eyes giving me a hopeful look.

''Feyre, I-I don't know what to say. I am happy that you guys want to fix things up but I'm not sure it can happen with the blink of an eye.It might take some time.''- I explained. I was not ready to forgive everything just like that.

''We know that and we do not care how long its going to take,we'll be happy if you find it in your heart to forgive us someday.''

''Maybe,maybe I will.''-I said,smiling once again.

It took us a few years,but in the end , our kids grew up together and happy.We ,alongside them.

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