Eris x Reader

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AU Note: Hi besties! Sorry for not being active the last week or so! So here I am now, giving you a chapter that made me cry TWICE while writing it💀hope you'll enjoy it!!

Ever since my husband -Eris became a High Lord we've barely had time for ourselves or for our son. Calix,in his 7 years of live had probably spent more tike with babysitters than with us-his parents. The look in his eyes every morning when me and his dad left for our duties never stops breaking my heart.

That's why we decided, ever week we have one day for just the three of us. One was the day of mommy,one the day of daddy and a day of Calix. When this day came, mommy,daddy or Calix have the chance to choose what we do. Whether it is going for a picnic,going to another Court or something else. We do it.

Today was the day of Calix. Our little boy woke us up bright and early begging for us to go visit his uncles-Azriel and Cassian in the Night Court.

This was something new, usually Calix used his day to spent time only with us and now he wished to spent it with someone else. This made my heart hurt a little bit. I let it slide as I grabbed my ball of sunshine as he giggled while receiving hugs and kisses from me and his father.

"Let's get ready,little man. You and mom go get breakfast and get dressed,while I inform Rhys of our visit." said Eris as he kissed Calix's forehead and gave me a kiss.

"Let's go baby. The sooner we are ready the sooner we can get there" I smiled as I received a loud scream of happiness.

Even if I wanted to spent the day with only my family, my son's happiness was more important and I couldn't deprive him of this. After all...if was the least we can do for not spending time with him.

Time skip

The moment we arrived at the Night Court,Calix latched onto Feyre and Mor as they took him around the big house, showing him every room that held something interesting as his eyes twinkled with excitement.

Everything was going just fine until the time to leave came. Tears were streaming down my little boy's face as anger radiated from him.

"I don't want to leave,mama. I want to stay"he shouted as his small hands balled into fists.

"Calix,we can always come back here, you know that" Eris tried reasoning with him,but we were met with just more tears.

"I'm always alone and sad at home, dad. I'm happy here, auntie Feyre and uncle Rhys care for me and are always with me. They act more like my parents than you and mama do! I want to stay here." shouted Calix as his words broke my heart into a million pieces.

I never had a stable mother figure in my life, my father always bringing a new woman home every few weeks. When I found out we were expecting my biggest fear was being a bad mother,not being good enough for my child,and now this situation just proves it wrong. I am not fit to be a mother,it took me almost a decade to realise this from no one other than my son.

A lonely tear fell down my cheek as I looked into my son's eyes one last time before I turned around to leave.

"It's... it's fine,my boy. You can stay for a few days and...maybe your father can come back to take you in a few days." I whispered as I headed for the main entrance.

"Y/N..." started Feyre but I interrupted her.

"It's okay,Feyre. It makes him happy, please take care of him for a few days." I gave out a painful smile.

Eris was standing next to me, speechless. I could feel that he was hurt by our son's words too,but not as much as me. My heart was bleeding.

"Please leave out a light for him during the night...he doesn't like complete darkness."I smiled one last time as Eris took my hand giving me  a look asking for permission to winnow us away.

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