Nyx x Reader Pt.2

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Nyx 's POV

Y/N ran out of the house, leaving me and my parents alone.

"Are you happy with what you did?! You scared her away. I love her, father. She's my mate I cannot just leave her. You almost went to war for mom, but now you won't let me be with the one person that was chosen for me!" - I screamed.

"Nyx, please listen to us..." - my mother started but I didn't let her finish.

"I have no intention to listen to you, mother. I am going to find my mate. Pray to the mother that she's okay. Because if something happens to jer because of your attitude you will never see me again." - was all I said before rushing out of the door and hoise, my wings spreading behind me as I went flying straight down.

She has no other way of transportation except the stairs, she probably went down. I thought as I kept flying.

Minutes passed, I was starting to worry. There's not way she took all the stairs in a few minutes.

As I neared the bottom of the stairs I saw her there. She laid on the last few steps, her entire dress and face bloodied as she laid in a small pool of her own blood coming out behind her neck.

My entire heart almost stopped. My mate was dying, dying because of my family.

"No, no, no, no... Y/N" - I pleaded as i crouched down next to her body, my breaths shallow as I checked her heartbeat. It was very week, but it was there.

"Please hold on my love, you'll be fine. Nothing can separate us, right. Not even death." - I sobbed out as I took her body in my hands and shot us up in the sky, back to the house. Where tje healers were.

"I need a healer!" - I screamed as I entered the hoise again, getting everyone's attention.

Madja rushed out from one of the rooms, my parents appearing right after.

"Nyx, what happened..." - my mother said, when she saw the bloodied girl laying in my arms, almost dead she gasped, her hands going to her mouth as tears formed  In her eyes.

"What happened, dear?" - asked Madja as she pulled me toward the healer's wing.

"I guess she fell while running down the stairs. Things back here got ugly and she ran out. I found her at the bottom of the stairs like this. Please, please Madja save her. She's my mate. We love each other, I just found her. I can't let her die like this. Please"-I begged as I put Y/N's lifeless body on a bed.

"I will try my best, dear boy, but I meed you to stay out until I call for you. Please." - she said as she motioned for me to leave.

I did as she asked, sitting down next to the door as the waiting began.

A few minutes passed when I saw my parents coming with the corner of my eye. Rage fired up inside me immediately as I stood up.

" This is your fault, you know?!" - I screamed before they could say anything.

"You scared her away and she fell down while trying to escape. All because of your pride. I love her! Don't you understand? I want to be with her. And right now right here i promise you that once she gets better, I am leaving this place amd never coming back. "-I said, all my words true to their meaning.

If...she ever  wakes up i am not going to let her live here. I am going to take her away amd give her a peaceful life filled with love that she's always wanted. No politics, no other people, no Court to rule. Just me and her,and maybe one day a beautiful little girl.

Time skip

It's been days since the accident, Y/N still haven't woken up. Madja was able to put her in a stable condition but said it all depend on the speed her body healed with.

My mother came by a few times, apologizing countless of times. I wasn't the one who needed apologies, Y/N did.

I never saw my father.

I think he was too prideful to acknowledge his fitire daughter - in-law just because of her heritage.

They needed to understand that she is not her mother. She grew up on her own, wanting nothing more but happiness.

I was beside her bed where I've been staying for the past week. Sometimes I slept in the bed beside her, sometimes on a chair. I wanted to be there for her when she woke up. To tell her I love her and want to be with her forever.

I was tracing a small piece of her hair when I felt her move, opening her beautiful eyes as she looked at me.

"Nyx? Where am I? What happened?" - she asked as she was stil quite disorientated.

"Shh, calm down love. You fell down all thoae stairs, you even got brain damage amd you need to rest. It's a miracle you even woke up. I love you so much Y/N, nothing can stop me from loving you." - I said as I gave her a small kiss.

"But your parents, they hate me." - she whispered.
"Not even they can separate us. Once you're better I am taking us out of here. We'll have a peaceful life, I'll give you all the love you want. Maybe one day we can share our love with a small, little creature of our own." - i said as she blushed.
"Now rest my love. I'll be here when you wake up."

Time skip


Two years passed since that tragic accident. Ever since, just as Nyx promised he moved us out of his family home as we moved in a small but beautiful house in the forest.

Our lives were filled with nothing but positive emotions.

Nyx and his mother fixed their relationship as she came one day, apologizing. As for his dad, he never visits . I think he's angry with me for taking away his son, but we were happy this was.

We have been trying to conceive a baby for the past couple of months. We were not in a hurry, whenever the mother decided to bless us, she would.

Right now I was in our garden, planting some new vegetables to grow so we could add something different to our diet.

That's when I felt someone's presence in the house. It was my mother-in-law. I tensed - we never spoke after the accident. I know she kept in touch with my husband but we never met ever since.

"Is anybody in here?" - I heard her call out as I cleaned my hands and headed towards our kitchen.

"Yes, I'm coming, just a minute please" - I answered.

As I entered the room I was met with her warm gaze and sweet smile.

"Hi, Y/N, I hope I didn't interrupt something important. I'm sorry I came unannounced." - she

"It... It's okay" - I said.

"Please, call me mom. I'd like to try and fix as much as we can our relationship. I'm deeply sorry for the way me and my husband acted all this time ago. I was so shocked when I found out who you are. But seeing how heartbroken Nyx was when he found you lifeless made me realize how much he loved you. And also given the fact that you guys have been together for now almost 3 years I can't be happier for you guys. "-she explained.

" I.. I'm happy that at least one of his parents accept our relationship, I always dreamed of having a big, happy family and I hope one day this can happen. "-I answered as I gave her small smile.

" It will happen, sweetheart don't worry." - she said. "Now how about we go get a nice cup of tea and talk about how Nyx was as a child." - she added, patting my back.

I finally had a some time of a mother figure in my life and I couldn't be happier.

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