Tarquin x Reader

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Summary: Y/N is the daughter of the royal family ruling the waters surrounding the summer court. Both her‘s and the High Lord‘s family signed a treaty, starting a new era full of peace almost a thousand years ago. But despite the peace treaty there‘s still people from the water nation who despised the ones walking over the earth above their kingdom,including the current King of the water nation himself.

Y/N‘s POV:

„I‘m leaving mother!“- I called out, letting my mother know that i was in my way to meet my mate above the water.
„Please be careful my daughter, you know how your father feels about Tarquin‘s family, even though there‘s a peace treaty. Don‘t let anyone see you, or else we don‘t know what‘s about to come.“-my mother said, giving me a comforting hug.

„I know mother, but i hope one day both of our families can live in peace. I love him mom, I don‘t think i can exist without him.“- I said. With that i left, swimming towards the shore, where my lovely mate was awaiting me.

Tarquin‘s POV:

I was starting to worry. Y/N was late, and that‘s never happened before. I hope nothing bad happened to her.

We‘ve been meeting in secret for a while, after meeting accidentally and finding out we‘re mates. A while into our relationship we found out she had the ability to turn her beautiful aquamarine tail into long, beautiful legs.
The Mother knew what she was doing when she paired us together.

I am going to propose to her today, hoping she would say yes, and that her father‘s love towards her would help fix the relationship between the Summer and Siren Courts.

I have always dreamed of meeting my mate, the one who was supposed to cherish my being forever, have my children and rule beside me. And I have finally met her, but before our happily ever after, there were a lot of politics to be done.

Gentle and quiet voice pulled me out of my thoughts only for me to find out Y/N has arrived, my worries disappearing. She was okay, nothing happened to her.

„I am here, my love!“-she called out.

„Finally, I was starting to worry that something happened to you.“-I whispered, claiming her lips in mine, not having the opportunity to taste them for over a week.

Oh how I missed her. I hope she‘s going to say yes later, when I fall down on one knee, offering her my heart and soul forever in exchange of hers.

„All is fine, babe, mother needed to warn me one more time before I left to meet you, that‘s why I was late.“-she explained with her sweet, honeylike, voice.

„I have prepared a wonderful day for us, my lady, so if you‘re ready i suggest we leave so we can be done in time for you to return back home.“- I suggested, taking her small hand in mine, leading her to a day full of love and a good laugh.

Y/N‘s POV:

It was almost time for me to leave, the sun already started setting down when Tarquin said there was something very important to speak with me about.

I got worried, was he going to say he did not wish to continue our relationship? Did he prepare all this fun today for me just so I could take the awful news better? I hope that was not the case. I decided to listed and we‘ll see what happens.

„Y/N, my love, my mate. Recently I did a lot of thinking, and I decided that I want you to never be away from me any longer, I know of your father‘s hatred towards my family, but I am ready to take everything he throws our way just so I could be able to marry you and make you my wife, and hopefully one day a High Lady of the Summer Court. So here I am, down on one knee asking you ‚Will you marry me?‘“-he finished talking. I was speechless.

I knew he was the romantic type but never have I imagined he would say something so touching while proposing.

„Yes, Yes! A thousand times yes, Tarquin. I‘d love to marry you!“- I exclaimed, eyes full of tears, heart full of love as he slipped the beautiful ring made of white gold on my ring finger, giving my hand a gentle kiss.

„I cannot explain the happiness you made me feel today, Y/N. I promise to you here and now, that I will do whatever it takes, to marry you and gove you the world.“-he added, kissing me all over the face.

„Me too Tarquin, once I return I am going to speak with my father, once i do so, I will return here by sunrise, to tell you the news. Now I have to leave, before he gets suspicious.“- I said, giving my mate one last kiss, before diving into the ocean swimming away.

Time skip

Y/N‘s POV:

I just got back to the castle, when I was called into the throne room by my father‘s demand.

I had a bad feeling about this, I fear he might‘ve found out about me and Tarquin.Whatever happened I was going to fight for me and my love. Even if ot meant leaving my people to be with my mate. I waited a hundred years before I met him, and no political or other type of problem were going to separate us now.

„You asked for me father. What is it?“- I asked, playing as I just didn‘t return for a day with my lover.

„Do not play gamesnwith me girl, I know what you‘ve been doing for a long time. It has gotten out of hand now. I demand you stop seeing the High Lord of the Summer Court, or else....“-he said, stopping mid speech.
„Or else what, father? „-I asked, rage dripping from my voice.
„Or else you will no longer be considered my daughter. You will be banished from ever coming back to the water nation.“-said my father. I looked toward my mother who was shedding silent tears. She knew what my choice was going to be, that‘s why she was crying.
„So be it father. I will leave immediately. Given the fact my happiness is not your priority I will leave to go be with the man who loves me and is ready to give me the world.“ - I said with a confident tone.

„So be it, leave and never come back.“-ordered my father, the guards who stood in the room made their way towards me, but before they could even touch me I swimmed away, giving one last apologetic look to my mother, in her teary eyes I saw her approval.

„Go my child, live your life to the fullest and be happy with him. Wait for me every third day of the week by the small laguna behind the High Palace.“-I heard my mother‘s voice in my head,smiling.

Back at the surface

Y/N‘s POV:

It took me a full night‘s swim to get back to the surface, my tail already sore.

I couldn‘t wait to lay down and sleep for Mother knows how long.

As I showed my head above the water I saw Tarquin already waiting for me, as he saw me a smile immediately appeared on his face.

He was my fiancé, soon my husband, and he loved me no matter what happened between our families long time ago.

I ran towards him, my arms going around his waist, snuggling my head in his neck as i finally let my tears fall. All the anger and pain was let out.

„Please don‘t cry, my love. Tell me what happened. Judging by your emotions I don‘t think it went well.“-said Tarquin, kissing away my tears.

„I am no longer considered a daughter or a princess of the water nation. My father said I should choose between my mate and family. But then I realized you are my family. We are going to create one of our own and we can be happy finally.“-I explained, giving him a smile and a kiss.

„Oh, Y/N I am so sorry. I promise you I will make you the happiest woman in entire Prythian. We‘ll have a beautiful child one day, with your smile and hard spirit.“-said Tarquin, I could see the truth and love in his eyes.

„You have nothing to be sorry for, Tar. I made my choice and I also give you a promise to make you the happiest man ever.“-I finished saying.

As years went on, me and my mate shared a life filled with happiness and love. I continued meeting my mother every third day of the week, giving her details of how our lives went on. I knew she missed me, but the thought of me being happy and well made up for all her pain.

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