Chapter 36

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    Season 2

Chapter 36


"Now Try to kill me!" L proclaimed over his -world wide broad cast- in attempts to lure Kira out of hiding.

"All thought this was announced as a world wide broad cast, the truth is, we are only broadcasting in the Kanto region of Japan."

"In actuality the first of your victims was a suspect in Shinjuku. Further more his crime was only ever reported inside Japan. I used that information to deduce this much. You are in Japan and your first victim was little more then an experiment, which means you haven't been killing for very long.

Kira Task Force Head Quarters

Kira has found a way to obtain information from the task force headquarters. There are 141 people on the force who have access to classified information regarding the investigation. I am sure somewhere in this list of police officers and those closest to them. We will find out suspect. L looks up from the papers regarding the task force police officers and tosses them onto the floor next to his computer. Now looking towards the computer that shown a live feed into the task force.

FBI Investigation of Those Involved with the Japanese Police

On December 14th 12 FBI investigators entered Japan.

Here we are on December 19th.

Using prison inmates, Kira conducts experiments manipulating his victim's actions before they die. He needed to know how much control he had over his victims, before he could use it against the twelve agents. I suspect that Kira had to be one of the people being investigated by the FBI between the 14th and the 19th of December. In fact I have no doubt.

An Important Witness Naomi Misora.

"Ray Pember's Fiancé?" L exclaims holding the phone to his right ear looking to the image of Naomi Misora on his laptop. "Naomi Misora." His eyes seem to narrow upon her image. -So it's her. She was working under me. I guess she came to Japan with her fiancé. I heard she was seen with Pember. It is possible that she may have found a lead. If that is the case did Kira manage to get to her first?-

Light Yagami

"Everyone at this point I would like to focus our investigation on only those people who Ray Pember was tailing." L pauses before looking over his left shoulder towards Mr. Yagami, Aizawa, and Matsuda who were staring at L watching his every move and listening to his every word intently. "There are two groups, Deputy director Kitamura as well as Detective Superintendent Yagami and their families." All three of the detectives give sounds of surprise as if they couldn't believe what L was suggesting. "At this stage I'd like to place wire taps and surveillance cameras in both households."


"Hey! That's my son that you're talking about, are you honestly telling me that you suspect him?" Mr. Yagami turns towards his left in the chair placed in front of the screens surveying his home and family. L was sitting there with his thumb on his bottom lip staring up at the screens with his feet on the edge of his chair and his knees near his chest.

"I do suspect him, that is why I placed wire taps and surveillance cameras in your home and the Deputy Director's house."

Enter Kira Lake

"There's a shadow at the window." L pointed out causing Mr. Yagami to gasp and lean forward in his chair, his jaw dropping as his eyes went wide. When the sliding glass door opens and in walks a girl with nearly impossibly long black hair. On screen Light turns smiling at her as she smiles back. "It's obvious from those reactions this isn't the first time that girl has been there."

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