Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

        After having came back to my physical form I realized I had spent too long in that position in the park. Stretching I try to get my legs that I couldn't feel to move but I ended up having to grab them and move them myself. The sun was high in the sky warming my body as I tried to turn myself to be on my hands and knees but even my body was stiff and residual pain shot through me. Crying out in frustration I reach into my bag stiffly and fumble around trying to grip a hold of my cell phone. Growling at myself I finally manage to close my hand around it and pull it out. Nearly dropping it as I try to hold it with both hands. It was then it began to ring seeing the name pop up I felt relief. Perfect timing, this makes it so I don't have to try and dial his number. Hitting the answer button with my chin I fight to hold it up to my ear. "Hey Light." I say my voice cracking as I speak.

"What's wrong? You haven't been at school or at your house for Four days!" I hear his worried tone even through his yelling, which makes me smile.

"Uhh, yea, um I was sort of meditating in the park but it seems I was under for the entirety of the four days."

I hear his sigh on the other end and nearly giggle at his relief. "where are you at now?"

"Well, you see I'm.." I feel my cheeks redden glad for a change he couldn't see. "I'm still in the park. It seems what parts of me that aren't asleep are so stiff I can barely manage to move them.."

"I see. I'll be there soon to help you." smiling I can hear him trying not to laugh at me.

"Thank you. I guess I really am stuck as if I were a turtle on it's back." with this I finally did manage to make him laugh as I hear his muffled chuckling over the phone my chest felt light. "See you in a few minutes."

"yes" with that his call clicked off leaving me to fight to press end myself. He was worried about me. I could hear it in his voice and then the relief when he found out I'm safe. The emotions I can see from him touches me intoxicatingly so. Closing my eyes after managing to put the phone back in my bag I sigh. Wishing I didn't need help up. This whole situation makes me feel silly. But yet, that book was still fresh in my mind. If everything I read was actually true some of those things could come in handy... and others.. I felt my heart sink nearly causing fresh tears to pool in my left eye. If those are true then.. Does Light really love me?

Hearing footsteps behind me I smile unconsciously before opening my eyes as I feel hands catching me below my arm pits and lifting me up to a standing position. At first I fall back into his hold with a giggle until the numbness started to fade bringing forth the sharp needle like pain as the nerves begin to wake back up. I hear his lovely chuckle as he lifts my right arm and wedges his shoulder under it to help keep me standing. I see him hunched down to my height as his hand holds onto the opposite side of my waist. Looking into his eyes I found myself unwilling to believe that he was simply -under my spell- so to speak. My heart just wasn't wanting to believe it. "Come on lets get you home." he says with a smirk I let him slowly guide me as I fight between getting my legs to get to work and hiding the pain he was sending through me from the accident. When the pins and needles feeling stopped I let go of him to try and walk on my own. They were stiff and it hurt to move but I was still managing it. Light stood up strait but still kept his hand on my waist keeping me close to him.

"Thank you" I whisper to him and he smiles.

"When we get to my place I'll get you something to drink for that throat of yours. Seriously, what were you thinking meditating for four days like that?"

"It's not like I meant to. I traveled within myself and there the time runs differently. I don't feel physical needs or anything like that because my physical form is left behind." I silently avoid telling him that the 'something' to drink I actually needed was the red and sticky kind.

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