Chapter 45

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    Chapter 45

We had just concluded our study of the surveillances a few days ago. Shockingly we found a girl that looked like Amane in the video's of the closest airport. So yea... Lucien won that one. I kept thinking if I had plotted things step by step. What I would have had her do. Stupidly I didn't even fully weigh the possibility of what Amane herself would have chosen. It was clear though. The girl whom looked like Amane went to Winchester England around the necessary time frame. What we had needed was proof. I thought it was going to be harder then what it was. Misa Amane, used her own passport. Not an Alias to match her get up, and even got a hotel room using her real name that wasn't very far from Whammies. It took no time at all to track her route through town.

She really is an idiot. We now held undeniable proof she was at whammies on the day it burnt to the ground. That on top of the other evidence earlier in the investigation. We have her. Now all that was left was to detain her so I can penetrate the task force. Lucien used his contacts to help with that.


A month has passed since the task force was summoned to the precinct. Only to receive Kira's earthly possessions. I couldn't really decide what to do with Kira's house so I had retrieved her computer and other appliances before putting it back on the market. I could have just used it as Task Force Head Quarters but I am comfortable with how things are. Plus, I doubted any of us wanted to walk into Kira's home. Tonight, the apartment was oddly quiet. Even though the others were in the same room as me. Looking at the time I nearly cursed allowed realizing Misa should have been back from her shoot hours ago.

Without a word I stand and walk out of the room. If she is here and for once keeping out of our way and being quiet I could always tell the others that I was using the restroom. Walking up to Misa's room I knock once as usual before opening the door. She wasn't on her bed like normal so I walked further in and went into the bathroom. Which connected both of our rooms together. Slowly opening the door I find she wasn't there either. Moving back into her room I go to her usual hiding place for her death note and pull the drawer open. Moving her undergarments out of the way I find the death note was gone. -Where the hell is she?- I silently ask myself before checking all the other areas of the apartment. Including my own bedroom in case she had decided to settle down and write names elsewhere in the apartment it would have explained the lack of her death note. Nothing.

-You better have a good excuse Misa for being late and for taking your death note out of the apartment- I tell her in my thoughts as I find myself back outside the room we use as Head Quarters. Pulling out my phone I press Misa's speed dial number before bringing it to my ear. As I was listening to the ringing my dad opens the door looking at me. Obviously I had taken too long and he just wanted to check and make sure I hadn't allowed myself to be distracted by Misa. Unknown to him at the moment. I had become distracted but, for a completely different reason then he was probably thinking. "Hi! You reached Misa Amane! I'm busy with work right now! So you know what to do!"

"Misa... I was calling because it's late. I wanted to make sure you're alright, so call me back." I had decided to leave a voice mail in case her shoot was only taking longer then usual. Which sometimes did happen but, surely she would be here by now. Since it was an afternoon shoot rather then an evening. Looking to my dad he gave me a nod of understanding. He was worried too but since none of us has her manager's number we very well couldn't call them to make sure.

Upon walking inside the others all looked at me from having heard what I said in the voice mail. "Don't worry Light. I am sure she will be here soon." Matsuda tries to reassure me since at one time he had been her manager. It did lessen my worries however.

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