Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*Light's POV*

        Walking back into the house my clothes soaking wet from the rain, I slide out of my shoes before as usual calling out. "I'm home" Stepping up onto the main landing I look to my right and see my family sitting at the table.

"Light, welcome home" My mom says with a smile before getting up and fixing my plate. Debating momentarily about changing out of my wet clothes first I walk into the room with them. "Where's Kira?" I ask noticing she wasn't in there with them.

"She ran upstairs the poor girl." Poor girl? I silently ask myself as I sit at the table in my usual seat.

"Did she not like the food mom? I'm sure its a lot different then what she is used to."

"It's not that Light. Saiyu started asking questions and she seemed to get a bit upset." She speaks gently I could hear the emotions in her voice that truly said she felt sorry for Kira.

"Like what kind of questions?" I ask shooting a glare at Saiyu.

"Don't look at me like that. How was I suppose to know her relationship with her parents." I see

"She did say she rarely gets to see them." I say setting straight in my chair as I pick up my fork to eat. "Knowing that I can only assume there isn't much of a relationship between them."

"We all feel the regret for our parts in the conversation. I'm sure they love her even though she doesn't get to see that love but, I can also understand now why she would say they don't care for her." My dad says as he picks up the newspaper and begins to read it. "She is welcome to stay here as long as she likes." He says causing me to smile. If she was only acting she did well to get him to say that.

"Thank you dad. I'm sure what she needs is a family right now and I am glad to hear you say she can stay." I watch as mom gives me that caring smile as she places her hand on dad's shoulder. They both agreed to my silent hint of how we can be her family.  After finishing supper I stand and walk up to my room. Upon entering I notice the lights are out seeing her fast asleep on my bed. A feeling I had never experience before sprouting from my stomach causing my chest to feel heavy. She was a peculiar girl but laying there curled up to her old back pack she looked like an innocent angel. Grabbing my pajamas and setting my bag next to my desk. I walk from the room and to the bathroom to change, leaving my wet clothes in the clothes basket before going back into my bed room. Inching closer to the bed I feel the weight tighten on my chest seeing the tears that still streaked down her cheek. I didn't understand why seeing the remnants of tears brought such pain but it did.

Crawling into bed with her I pull her so her head was now on my chest as I laid on my back. Running my hand gently on her shoulder, she seemed to shudder at my touch in her sleep so I covered both of us up for the off chance that she was cold. Looking up at the ceiling I began to wonder if she was ever given comfort before when she was crying. Watching time pass, my mind fell on the death note until I couldn't stand it anymore. Wiggling off of under her I get up and go to my bag pulling out the note book I had figured out was real. Setting at my desk I turn on the desk lamp with a brief glance back to my bed to make sure I wasn't disturbing her sleep. Turning on my computer I begin to scroll through news articles about murders and other convicts world wide. Before I began writing each and every name in the note book starting with the worst of the criminals.

Finishing as the time reached midnight I put the note book in my right hand drawer of my desk, and turn off the computer then the light feeling as if I just accomplished something huge and meaningful. Stretching I get up and go back to the bed to see she had rolled back over and her bag was about to fall to the floor. Picking it up my eyes widen at the weight of it. "What could she have in here?" I quietly ask myself before putting it on the floor next to the bed so it wouldn't fall and make a loud thump. Laying back in bed I cover up and think about the day.

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