Chapter 43

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    Chapter 43


-Earlier That Night-

"Are you certain about this?" I ask seeing her tug on her jean jacket uncomfortably. Earlier when I had just decided to send Watari to check on her, she had came inside the room with her hair dyed. I was also able to watch her place green contacts in her eyes. I didn't know if I should tell her that I preferred her usual appearance more or not. So I have kept quiet, hoping she would explain herself as she finished packing up the items for the Task force members and making sure the laptop was inside safely so it wouldn't jar around and break the screen.

"Yes, as I said. Initially we made up the death of Kira Lake so we could show Light Yagami that he isn't as secure as he believes himself to be. This will just be another reminder. An attack, if you will." I watch as she highlights her face with make-up she never normally wears. Obviously like the hair contacts and bag, the make-up was bought for this very event. "We don't want him getting comfortable again while we focus on Amane. So we are just going to continue throwing curve balls at him."

"Kira... Why do you keep referring to yourself in the third person ever since you got back?" I had to ask, it didn't make any coherent sense. Her entire demeanor just seems off some how. Did something happen to her to make her act like this? If so then what could have possibly happened? Did she get her memories back? It's possible though watching her I couldn't quite believe that possibility. She was still open just like she had been when she woke up. Her emotions visibly swirling in her eyes as she speaks her mind.

"Well.." She began but pauses as she looks away from me out of the corner of her eye. "I'm not Kira Lake anymore. She's so different from me that it's really confusing. She, a mass Murdering Serial Killer and... me the detective S. It's easier for me to look at things that way. Rather then, the me before, the me now. Me. me. me. I. I. I. It's confusing so..."

"You would like to separate S and Miss Lake." I say as I figure out what she is getting at. She is right, the two are completely different. As if they are two different people all together. Bringing my thumb to my lip, I turn in my seat to more fully face her. "Then, with all things considered. I will call you Sapphire. Kira Lake has been laid to rest." She looks to me before gently smiling giving me a nod.

"After tonight, she most definitely will be. We have made the world believe she is dead. All that is left is for her is to give the few possessions she has that she would have wanted to if she died." I see. Holding some sort of odd memorial service for your old self. So you can completely cast her away. If that is the case and it will help her get over this... complex.

"I see, well let's get them together. Compose a script and act. We then shall proceed." I agree, turning back to the computer. She never ceases to surprise me.

*-Present time-*


Walking out of the office I pull the bag I had specifically gotten for this further up on my shoulder. I knew who they all were but I hadn't been expecting to see Rem and Ryuuk in the back behind them. Making me rethink my initial thoughts about those death note pages I have. They were obviously some how from both note books. Letting out an exhale of air I move forward through the police building. -Think positive S. They didn't suspect it was actually you, so this. Is a win. And knowing Ryuk from the anime he wont tell Light Yagami who I am but Rem... I guess since he didn't say anything he wont speak about my identity unless he feels it is absolutely necessary... Right?- Reaching beneath my jacket I pull my necklace out of hiding so the pendent of the moon was resting in the palm of my hand. -Light Yagami gave this to me? And Lucien even said with how I felt about him I would have wanted it buried with me.- I know it's rather childish of me. I thought as I slipped the necklace back out of view so it was hidden beneath my shirt. But, I was still kind of hoping those dreams about Light Yagami were truly just dreams. I guess that marks another fact that I can't deny.

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