Chapter 37

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        Chapter 37

In April 2012 Light Yagami age 23 joined Japan's national police agency. In the summer of 2012 Kira's killings increased at an unprecedented rate. Numerous people around the world were terrified of Kira. And yet, there were just as many cheering him on. Gradually their private thoughts became public opinion. And soon certain nations began to accept Kira's judgment. The world was headed into a dark age where Kira's will was the only law.

Upon opening my eyes the moonlight stung them. Raising my arm to rest them over my eyes I try and recall my day. There's gaps. I can feel them. I should be at home. Maybe I watched Naruto for too long. Or even Vampire knight to cause dreams of me drinking blood fresh from the vein. Odd dreams. My memory wouldn't gap. It had to be dreams. Having a cousin named Aphrodite though seemed somehow real. Maybe I heard her name spoke from my parents at some point. Right? Could that be it? Otherwise there wouldn't be any explanation as to how I would be trained by a blond that looked so much like my aunt. There are images of a light brown haired boy with brown eyes. I can feel my cheeks burn as I remember vivid dreams of him. Things I never could have possibly done. Dreams of an actual family smiling to me holding my favorite kind of cake sporting candles. A birthday cake. Presents. Again, things that never could have happened. I'm alone in my parent's house like usual. The beeping I hear has to be something roaming the halls cleaning.. But, I don't remember anything making that sound. Maybe mom and dad are home and dad is watching a show or playing games.

I'm tired, I should be sleeping. Or should I watch some anime until I can sleep? No, I'm too tired. My body feels too heavy with sleep. Then what woke me up? No matter, it isn't important. I want to sleep again. To go back to those choppy dreams full of nice images. A life I would rather not wake up from. The images are fading, but I can still feel what I had in them. I was happy. Happier then I had ever been. Even cooked the brunet a meal and enjoyed eating at a table with him as if it were a normal every day occurrence. My mouth is dry. I should get up and go to the kitchen. The burning is horrible. How long have I been asleep? No matter, it can wait until morning. Wait, if I was so happy with the brunet then why is there pain? Why cant the dream come back so I know? Was it actually a bad dream?

If dad is playing a game why hasn't that incessant beeping stopped? Should I find out what it is? Maybe they brought home something annoying. Yes, they had to of. Should I go tell them they woke me up? No, I don't even know if that beeping is what woke me up. If the dream was a bad dream, why do I remember being happy? Images of shopping in actual stores, being outside in a town beneath the sun. Images of a park during the day, no, a warm day with a gentle breeze. Odd dreams. I want to go back to the one with the family. They loved me.. Right? Darn it. I cant sleep. I should get up. My body is still heavy though. Maybe just move my arm so I can look over at the moon. Yes, the gentle moon. Beautifully lighting up the night sky, surrounded by shimmering stars that stick out like sore thumbs in a sea of pitch black. Yes, I should look at the moon.

I move my arm just above my head to my pillows turning my head to the left so I can look up to my bed room window. A wall? I look to the right finding a window but my eyes move to weird machines next to my bed. A screen of all black with a green line that peaks in areas. At the top of each peak I hear that annoying beep. Where am I? Looking around I find I am not in my bed room at all. I'm not at home. The ever continuing beep seems to start becoming faster along with my growing worry. Damn it! Awe, yes it's a heart monitor. I've seen it in anime's. That's what the beep is so if it... I reach my hands to my chest following the wires to their sticky ends. If I do this then... I yank them from my skin ignoring the momentary pain. But the continual beeping turns into one long constant sound.

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