Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I wake up from rolling off of the couch. My head bounces against the floor causing me to groan. Slowly I push myself up onto my hands and knees. Last night I had only taken just enough from Light to heal the most part of my injuries, from the feeling of my aching body I can tell that I still haven't completely healed. Noticing the time and date on my watch I silently cuss myself. "It's already so late?" Rubbing my head I couldn't believe I had slept the entirety of a full day, my lack of regular sleeping must be taking a toll on me. Lately I've been adding things to my house like the TV we watched last night. Today another shipment was suppose to arrive. Putting my legs beneath me I stand before shuffling to the kitchen where I start to perk myself some coffee. I head on upstairs to make sure my screens were clicked off when I hear the mumble sounds of someone talking. Slipping my head phones on to check them I hear. "If you're still interested then you need to come here right away."

"Okay Dad"

Sighing I take the headphones off then go downstairs to the kitchen making myself a cup of coffee. So far everything is still going according to plan. Three full days until L is suppose to air on TV. Which means today they will have Light watching a video to see if it's a second Kira. Tonight they will come up with a response to the second Kira then a few days later the journal should come in. If I am correct. I should go to Aoyama as planned. I bring my coffee to my lips as I take a sip of the hot chocolaty substance the door bell sounds. Walking to the sink I look out of the window to see a large truck outside. Smiling I go over to the door and open it for them. Stepping out of the worker's way as I take another sip. "Well hello there beautiful, I didn't expect to be delivering something to your house again." It was the same creep as with the computer. Maybe I should change companies.

"Well your company does sell the best." I tell him before turning. "That hall will be in the same room as last time. If you don't mind" Saying before I go into the living area and grab my bag. Walking up the stairs to my computer room as he continues bringing my order into the house. I already knew from last time he was going to bring them up. Setting in my computer chair in Indian style I place my back pack on the floor next to me. Setting back I slowly drink my coffee as I see him walk through the door from the reflection of my black screens. I point to the empty wall as I do. He obviously got my hint because he started setting the boxes where I had specified. In silence I watch him bring boxes after boxes and the coffee in my cup seeming to disappear. Nearly pouting I set the empty cup on my desk before leaning over and reaching into my bag. Pulling out my Ipad and headphones. Plugging the head phones in I turn on my Ipad as I pull one  off of my left ear so I could hear the shuffling of the delivery guy. Flipping through the routed pages I stop on the one of the hotel room as light's father brings light into the room. "Do you need help with anything else?" the delivery guy asks. Darkening my screen I look over at him with a smile.

"No I can put them together myself. Thank you for all of your help. Can you lock the door on your way out?" He nods before making his way towards the door of my computer room.

"Beautiful.. would you mind if I ask you a question?" He asks turning back around to look towards me. I nearly growl in frustration. Why cant he just do his job and leave?

"Sure." I inevitably answer turning in my computer chair to look at him. He looked sad and kept glancing between me and the floor.

"I may be wrong so please don't take this the wrong way.." He pauses before finally growing a backbone and finishing his train of thought. "I'm guessing since you never called that you already have a boyfriend, which I should have guessed from how amazingly beautiful you are... But, just remember this, you have your entire life ahead of you. If he is mistreating you in anyway, you should drop his ass." Without even waiting for my response he turns and walks out of the room. A few seconds later I hear the front door close. Now.. why would he feel obligated to say that? I silently ask myself before looking down at my form. I was wearing a pair of silk blue shorts and another blue spaghetti string tank top.. but, I found myself silently cussing in realization. Dark bruising was peaking out over the top and bottom of my tank top leading down beneath my shorts. That's why. Shaking my head I turn off my Ipad. Clicking on my screens replacing my head phones with my computer head phones watching the screen of the hotel room.

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