Chapter 28

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   Chapter 28

Digging through Higuchi's bag back at headquarters I find a black note book. The one he had pulled out and scribbled the name on at Yoshida productions. It had to be it since there was no other notebook inside. Pulling it out I look at the cover and in Large white lettering was the words Death Note. Strange. Opening it up I skim through the names, sure enough there were names I was familiar with but there were also others I wasn't. Kiara was brought back here from having woken up and argued with Light about going to the hospital. So as of right now the screens were upon Kira's floor with Yagami in the room with her as her cousin was still setting upon the couch silently. What is it with that family? When they had brought her in she agreed that it had been the best decision to not take her to the hospital but after that she hasn't said a word or even looked the least bit interested in her cousin's condition.

I hear as light comes up behind me setting down into his usual chair as he pulls the notebook from my hands while I am in thought. Kiara has a fake birth certificate and background. Now she has a family member here who had been -looking- for her. Kiara's personality is similar to Light's and even my own which was another reason why I had thought she was Kira. But most of the time since we had installed the surveillance in her room she usually sat there in silence. Now her cousin is just setting there in silence but when Kiara's attention would be drawn to the one unconscious by giving away even a slight eye movement. Her cousin did not. It was as if this didn't involve her. As if the one unconscious wasn't even family.

For some reason. This bothered me. I wasn't even her family and I was worried which is why I had the surveillance on so I could see her. Kiara was now laying on her bed, her hair had been sponged clean. The wound they had found hadn't been that bad but what has me worried is, if she has a concussion she shouldn't be sleeping. But she had fallen unconscious before we ever got to her. Maybe we should have pulled her from the trunk before then. "Ryuzaki." I hear light's voice bringing me out of my thoughts so I was now looking to him.


"I was cross reverencing the names in here to see if they match with deaths. A lot of them do but there are others that don't."

Rolling my chair over to him I look at the names. "Like which names?"

I watch as he flips to third to last page that had been written on and pointed. Believe it or not, there was Kiara's real name. "But she's not dead." I say before I could catch myself.

"Exactly, so this cant be how he was killing. Maybe he was just imagining their deaths."

"Or maybe she cant be killed by this thing." I say taking the book from him and holding it up. "Do a thorough analysis on this." Hearing Aizawa walk up behind me and take the book he walks back to the table I had Watari set up.

"Ryuzaki do you even know what you are saying?"

"Hmm.. How to use it. It says The human who's name is written in this notebook.. Shall die. This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when they are writing his or her name. There for the people sharing the same name will not be effected. If the cause of death is written within forty seconds of the person's name it will happen. If the cause of death is not specified then the person will simply die of a heart attack." Setting up my used creamer cups I stack them listening to him. "After writing the cause of death details of the death should be written in the next six minutes and forty seconds." he falls silent for a few moments before continuing. "As well the back cover has some more instructions of how to use it. There are two more rules. One of them is, if you make this note unusable by tearing it up or burning it. All the humans who have touched the note till then will die."

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