Chapter 20

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   Chapter 20

"Light are you alright?" Ryuzaki asks me, it was then I realized I was holding my breath. I couldn't answer him. I couldn't even find the words as my eyes stayed glued to the screen. Even after seeing that nothing had come of it. "Oh, thank goodness" dad breathes in relief. As he leans forward against the steering wheel.

"Th.Thank goodness?" Kira asks as if she had been holding her breath. Forcing herself to sit forward in the seat. As misa looks around the seat at my dad. "What's going on I don't understand"

"Please forgive me you two. I know that was hard on you but it was the only way I could get you out of prison. You must understand I only agreed to do this because I believe in your innocence Kira. Were you watching Ryuzaki? I did exactly as you said and as you can see I am still alive " dad says looking at the mirror. This catches Kira's attention as she looks at the mirror as well.

At some point Aizawa and Matsui had came in and were standing behind us. I hadn't paid attention at all. I had no idea when they got here. Ryuzaki clicks on the microphone. "Yes, it was a convincing performance. If Amane were the second Kira who only needs to see a person's face to kill them. There is no doubt she would have killed you before you had the chance to fire your weapon. Also if Kira was in fact the one we are looking for the kira I know wouldn't even hesitate to kill someone they see as their father to save their own life. With kira in particular I cannot rule out the possibility that she may have seen through our act at some point how ever as agreed I will end their confinement immediately. And as discussed Amane will remain under surveillance until kira is apprehended. Although she insists that the tapes we found were just occult videos. The physical evidence we have plus her confession suggests otherwise."

"Hey! No fair you still suspect me?!" I watch as Misa leans forward in her seat clearly upset. My dad turns around in his seat to look at her.

"If I were you I wouldn't complain. You get to go back to your normal life if your innocent then the surveillance shouldn't be a threat to you. Think of it as complimentary police protection."

"Oh I get it, since I'm not the second Kira it will be kind of like having my very own private body guards."

"As for your part in this agreement Kira. You and I will be together 24/7 and that's how we will remain until we've brought Thee Kira to justice."

"Wait don't I get a say in this? I told you when we first met I want nothing to do with this investigation."

"Didn't you'd say you would do anything to get to see light again?" I watch as her eyes widen and she smiles. Falling silent. "Well since I hear no more complaints I'll see you all back at head quarters."

"Ryuzaki? What do you mean by together 24/7?"

"You'll see." He states before falling silent.


Upon entering the hotel room I run out of Mr. Yagami's arms nearly falling but I still push myself to make it to light. Who catches me before I end up nearly landing on my face. His scent automatically wafting over me. Flinging my arms around him I hold him close before pushing my lips against his in a kiss. It has been way too long! I feel as he holds me tightly as if afraid that he'll loose me again if he lets me go. Leaning my head against his chest I close my eyes moving my hands to his upper arms where I bunch his shirt into my fists. His arms.. They feel better then I remember. I feel as he rests his cheek against the top of my head and I listen to his heart beat taking in his warmth.

The pain kicking into my throat with all of it's pent up fury causing me to gasp. As if knowing what that meant light pulls from me just enough to pull my hair down out of the buns and let it flow down naturally about my form. With my eyes still closed I feel him brushing my bangs down so they would flow over my face. How I love him! It was then I felt cold steel around my wrist and hearing a clicking sound follow. Sounding like a hand cuff. Turning slightly as I feel light's arm move around my waist to keep me close to him so I remain standing I peak through the gaps in my hair seeing what I had hoped wouldn't happen. L and I were now handcuffed together the chain between the cuffs was long and nearly touching the floor. "Are you sure this is absolutely necessary Ryuzaki?" Light asks clearly not happy with the cuffs. I don't blame him. I'm completely upset over it.

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