Chapter 47

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    Chapter 47


"Alessia.." I speak as I turn around taking notice of how the sunlight was already shining in through the window. She had sent everyone home just before sunrise and apparently had messaged specifically for my dad to not worry so much and try and lessen the stress in his life. Saying it was unhealthy for him to keep this pace for so long and she wouldn't wish for his untimely death. She even suggested that the entire task force to take a few days break in order to clear their minds so they could start fresh at the beginning of next week. It was a rather logical reasoning. Although I personally think it was because she was hoping to catch up on some much needed sleep. "Do you have a place to stay yet?"

Finally looking up from her pad where she had been setting and reading through everything she had typed earlier since the others had left, her soft green eyes meet mine. Mere moments that felt almost like an eternity before she even looked back down and began typing her response to me. It seems something is on her mind for this time her response came slower then what I have noticed to be her usual. -I will be getting a hotel room when I leave here.- Such a short brief message leaving open the probability that she had rushed over here the second she had stepped off the plane. -Why?-

"As you know, Misa, has been arrested for being the second Kira. Meaning her room is now vacant. If you would like you could stay here so you wouldn't have to travel everyday. I also noticed you didn't bring any clothes with you. Misa should be about your size in most of her clothes so you could always use them until you can acquire clothes for yourself." I offered to her. Truly, I wanted to keep her close so I could keep an eye on her. To watch her every move. She just looked at me as if she was thinking before pattering away on her pad again.

-Thank you for the offer, but for now it would probably be more practical to have my own place to stay. Is it not custom for people to move in with each other, especially of opposite genders, to be married first? Or at least engaged?-

She really is a good girl. I let out a slow breath leaning back in my chair watching her as she waits patiently for my response. "True, it is practical that way. Though I also believe moving in here since I have a spare room now would also be practical. I do not believe in the old fashioned views so as far as I am concerned there would be no problem with you moving in. Either way.." I speak as I stand raising my arms in a stretch. I should probably go to my room and get some sleep but I would like to know what she decides first. "It is your decision Alessia. If for now you wish to have a hotel room then that is also perfectly fine by me." She stood as well probably figuring that I was on my way to my room giving me a warm smile before glancing back down at her pad.

-For now, I will get a hotel room. We have only just met.- That's true. Well it was a long shot I have known since she got here that she is a good girl. It was unlikely for her to accept on the first night. -We still have to get coffee sometime. Pick me up at 8 pm tonight since the task force is taking time off.- Coffee? Oh! I felt my eyes widen as I remember our conversation just on the verge of leaving the NPA. I had asked her for coffee and she had declined brushing my offer off saying maybe the next time she was in town. Probably thinking she wasn't about to return to Japan so quickly. I watch as she puts her pad into her shoulder bag before pulling the strap over her shoulder and leading the way out of the room. I am surprised by her words. I had thought since she tried to gently brush me off that she wouldn't even bring up the coffee. Does this mean she actually wants to have coffee with me, or did she think I remembered her brush off and decided to respond before I made any attempts to try and ask her again?

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