Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

The conversation between Light and I had come to a stand still as he hovered over me, suggesting ways to rearrange the hints so that they would make sense. But it seems the only thing we were accomplishing is... I felt my world give a sudden throb as it came in and out of focus. The burning sensation I have been fighting in my throat intensifies. My fingers suddenly let go of my pad so it fell to the table with a clatter as I press them against my throat. Struggling to breath. W.What is going on with me?! I scream at myself in my head as my I force sharp painful breaths. "Alessia.. Are you okay?" I heard Light's voice as if he was much farther then right next to me. I nearly tried to speak before I managed to stop myself. Even if I was willing to put this charade to an end and talk, from the feeling of my throat.. I doubt I would manage more then a syllable or two.

It was then I felt a hand on my forehead as another one rests on the opposite shoulder from where he was standing. It felt like someone had just poured gasoline on the fire and it was now burning out of control. My vision darkens before clearing back up and repeating the process. "You're... Burning up!" I could hear Light exclaim before I suddenly shoved my chair back. I have to get out of here! I yelled at myself in my head. If I don't... I will become a killer again! Light went to catch me as my legs tried to give out but somehow I managed to shove him off and run towards my door. "H.Hey! Wait!" He yells, he could be following me but I didn't care. I fumbled with the locks on the door before throwing it open and bolting out of the room as quickly as I could. Still clutching a hold of my throat as if it was the only thing keeping me sane. Running.. Feeling the chilly breeze in my hair.. It soothed the burn just a little bit. Finding myself in an alley way I close my eyes to slump against a wall. Keep breathing, get yourself under control. I repeatedly told myself in my head as I slid down to the dank alley floor. My legs no longer holding me up right.

Even in the cool night I felt sweat rolling from me. Radiating my body with a furious heat. Looking up to the sky I began silently begging for this to end. The end of the pain, the end of my lapses in time, the end of my struggles. Why didn't loosing that death note kill me? It could have, and right now.. How I wish it had. Closing my eyes again as rain began to fall over me almost like who ever I had just been begging was trying to cool me off. Trying to end the burning heat. Trying to bring back my sanity. As soon as that thought passed through my mind my throat gave an excruciating throb as if to contradict my hopes. I could feel myself plummeting into darkness. An Insanity ruled by pain.


As I lay there on the cement I just let the rain fall on my face. The sun has set making the sky and clouds mix into one large canvas of black. The pain in my throat finally coming to a dull roar, my body feeling heavy and weak. Is this what death feels like? I silently ask myself. The last moments being as if the world around you is in slow motion. As the searing pain you had been feeling melts away. You cant do anything even if you actually wanted to. So you just continue laying in place awaiting the end as if you are patiently waiting for a car to come to a stop, or even patiently waiting in line for something to eat or drink? Waiting for you next turn at the counter. Closing my eyes I manage a shallow breath, wondering what will happen first. Will my heart stop or will my lungs cease to function, ending in my suffocating.

I barely heard foot steps scuff against the alley floor next to me. Though the hands that scooped me into arms only successfully caused the pain to ignite in all it's fury once again. I felt my body lift from the alley floor as I was rolled against a chest. Covered in an unfamiliar scent. Opening my eyes I look up towards whom ever had picked me and seen a man who looked tired. As if his long life has been filled with nothing but stress. I could barely make out his facial expression before my world became coated in a deep crimson red. Reaching up I grab a hold of his coat being guided by my own insanity.

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