Chapter 11

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    Chapter 11

Sliding out of bed I blush seeing as I was still completely unclothed and the blanket barely reaching to Lights bare chest I remember what happened last night. The memory causing my body to tingle as if from the remnants of our actions. At the end my body had felt as if it was being held down by a cement cinder block as the days of my lack of sleep caught up with me. I had fallen asleep on him still joined at our most intimate parts. Going to his desk I dig into my bag and pull out a piece of paper from the note book I had gotten a while ago to pass notes to Light. I grab a pen from his desk and scribble a note on it before dressing myself grabbing my bag and leaping from his still open window.

Our inhibitions had taken control of us last night and drove us to heights we had never experienced before. Luckily Ryuk wasn't around last night. At some point, he had disappeared. Which I wasn't complaining I didn't want him to see that. I feel my cheeks flair again as I walk into my house and walk up to my room pulling out a new change of clothes. I fold them in my arms and go to walk out of my room when I hear the door bell echo. Pausing in front of my bathroom door mentally I count the seconds until it rings again. Exactly 60 seconds after the first. Running down the stairs I open the door to reveal Light standing there looking as if he had quickly dressed and ran after me. Pushing his way into my house I close the door behind him. My cheeks flaring even hotter as I remember the sight of him last night. "I was just.. Going to take a shower." I tell him with a pause. He looks at me his cheeks going red before nodding and walking into my sitting room.

Shrugging I go up to my bathroom and start running the shower not really wanting to take too long from soaking in a bath. Setting my change of clothes on the vanity I remove my clothing and toss them into the clothes basket before stepping beneath the warm water. Smiling as it runs down my bare body feeling almost as if they were gentle caresses. Gasping from the image of last night where light's hands had been trailing along my body I close my eyes taking in the full memory as I run my fingers through my hair making sure the water completely wets it down. Feeling hands on my hips I imagine for a moment the very hands that had been there last night before I am spun and my back is pressed against the cool shower wall with lips crashing into mine with a ferocious fever. My eyes widen momentarily before realizing it was light as his hands run over my flesh and down to my butt. Cupping my lower cheeks and lifting my legs from the floor. His lips leaving mine only to feel his teeth nip at my ear sending the same electric shivers through me. "I love you" Is all he says before I feel him pull back. Closing my eyes I gasp as I feel him slam into me. Filling me completely as he had the night before. Moaning as I feel the warmth pulling at me and him pressing me further against the wall I wrap my legs around his hips before holding onto him to keep me at this height. With each thrust sending more pleasure through me I feel my throat tighten in a wave of sudden hunger.

His hands gripping a hold of my butt keeping me in place I just couldn't help myself. As I lower my head to his neck moaning against his skin I sink my fangs into the soft curve of his neck. Yet instead of his movements stopping his force picks up mixing pleasure with pain building through me as his blood fills my mouth. One of his hands leave my rear to rest on the back of my head where he grabs my hair bringing another gurgled moan from me. Quickly I felt the fire building within me as I pull my fangs from him and lick his neck. Shuddering from the building force I lean my head back crying out feeling his pace pick up before one last quivering thrust that bounces my back against the wall causing my spine to pop.

As he lowers my feet back to the shower floor our breaths coming in rapid successions his lips brush against mine. "I'm sorry" he says causing me to giggle reaching back and turning off the water.

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