Chapter 53

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Chapter 53


Leaning back in my computer chair I turn around to face the others just as they were getting ready to leave. This past month has been a good change of pace. No matter how much I dislike another imposter out there. I haven't had to lie so much. Instead I've actually been excitedly awaiting the new evidence to show. And each time more killings happened I was anxious to look at them. It wasn't as if I was admiring my own work anymore. There was someone new playing the field and when they weren't leaving evidence for me they were doing my killing for me. As if they knew what I wanted to happen and were doing it for me. Like they expected me to stop my killing just so I didn't tamper with what evidence could be given to me by them. So they were picking up the slack.

Standing I follow the task force out of the apartment wishing them a good night and bidding them farewell until tomorrow. Although, Alessia has become rather distant to me since that day in her hotel room. Maybe my abruptly hugging her like that scared her away from me. She was no longer staying long after the other members have left. Just like her texts have also stopped coming in on my phone. Like she didn't want anything to do with me anymore. Oh well. I shake my head after shutting my apartment door before walking to the dinning room and pulling my papers out of a drawer I placed in there.

Setting at the table I scatter the print outs in front of me arranging them in order from the black writing I had labeled them in at the bottom of each picture. Pulling out my notes I set them aside along with the mechanical pencil I have been using. "Hey, Light. All you do is work. Why not go out for a while?" Ryuk questions causing me to exhale annoyed by him.

"I've told you before this new guy is trying to tell me something in a way he doesn't want L or S to figure out. It will only work if I can decode his messages before anyone else does." I tell him simply. How I am tired of repeating myself.

"Why not ask your little girl friend to help you?" He chuckles again causing me to look at him. Every time she is brought up into the conversation he always laughs like that. What could it be about her that's so funny. Used to, I could tell when someone's name is an alias because he would laugh just like that. But I know her name isn't real. There is no need for him to continue like this.

"She's not my girlfriend Ryuk, she is a pawn for L, there for she is my enemy. Which means I need to figure this out before she does." Looking back to my notes I nearly smirk. "Besides, she has already helped me enough. She is on the right track with thinking this mess of clues is a letter to me." Yes, I've known this since she put moon and god side by side in her notes on her pad that day. This is clearly just for me. Not Kira, not Misa, not the police. No one but me. Ever since the four deaths that spelled Kira there had been a few more messages to me.

Looking to the most recent photos that have been added to my collection I nearly laugh. These were more cryptic then their predecessors. Meaning. It holds valuable information that this new guy believes only I can decipher. At first I thought they were normal killings that he has been mixing with his messages but when I looked more closely at them and the information about them I could tell they weren't normal. These men were found dead at night. Though they were the usual criminals which is why I almost past them up. But, the finer details were masterful. One was found on the beach of a lake. Another in a grave yard with flowers for his loved one still in his hands. The latest one died inside of a hospital when he had been visiting his teenage daughter who had been involved in a hit and run resulting in her coma. "Yes, I think I have this all figured out."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ryuk asks as he moves closer to me munching on one of my apples that apparently he had taken my thought processes to go into the kitchen and retrieve.

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