Chapter 4

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(Again my apologies. I had switched to windows 10 and it seems my computer doesn't like it. Hopefully it's completely fixed as it seems to be running a lot better. It still lags though but i can only think it's because my computer was made for windows 7 not 10.)

Chapter 4

"Light You got a second?"

"Ryuk I already told you, you cant talk to me in public how many times do I have to tell you?" Inwardly I'm infuriated with him as he forgot that simple detail. Walking back home after cram school I had been lost in thought wondering where Kira was. She hadn't shown up for a couple days. She had last spoke about how she was trying to find ways to get home but wasn't having any luck. Could she have just been caught up with that? L and the police shouldn't have made her a suspect already right? Curling my lip in distaste still being quite upset from her mentioning that to me. Sure, she was right from their eyes she would fit the bill quite a bit which would make her a good suspect. I just didn't want to think about it.

"In that case I'll talk you just listen, if you don't want to hear me you can just plug your ears or something. First of all I don't have anything against you, in fact I actually think the death note couldn't have been picked up by a better person. I'm here because I have to stick around until the death note is finished or I see you die which ever comes first. But make no mistake Light I'm not on your side or L's." Glancing back at him as he finished before looking ahead of me he now has my attention.

"Well I knew that much already."

"You'll never hear me say anything about whether what you are doing is right or wrong. I'm not here to support you or give you my opinion I'm just a spectator. But as your roommate I might have a few things to say now and then."

"What's this about Ryuk. Why are you telling me this stuff now anyway. It's really not like you"

"Its just I'm no ally of yours or Kira's, but the only reason I am going to tell you this is because personally its starting to creep me out."

"Get to the point already."

"Heheheh, You're being followed by another human. He's watching you right now." Stopping from hearing this I glance back noticing a black shadow that starts to walk from a corner, but back tracks back out of sight as soon as he sees me. 

"It's been four days already huh" I mumble turning back around and continue walking.

"It's really starting to get on my nerves. I realize there is no way he could see me but because I'm always following behind you where ever you go I feel like I'm constantly being watched."

"That's a problem, as she said I'll have to get rid of him as soon as possible."

Walking inside and up to my room lost in thought I walk into the dark. She has been right so far with everything she has said. There is no doubt left that she has been telling me nothing but the truth. Going over to my window and turning on my desk light as I walk past I pull the curtain back. I shouldn't look any different then your average high school senior but the longer I let this agent keep following me the greater the chances they'll figure out who I really am. Above all I need that agent's  name once I figure that out, I can get rid of him for good. I doubt Kira will tell me because its not critical to know. She has proven if she has faith in my abilities she will leave out those details.

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