Chapter 38

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 Chapter 38

"Are you sure about this Lucien?" I ask as he tugs me out of Watari's car since I had grabbed a hold of a seat belt to try and keep myself in place. We had pulled up outside of a house that does seem familiar to me but it's definitely not MY home. Maybe Lucien is on drugs. Really. Having lost the struggle when Watari decided to help him I am officially out of the car with the door slammed shut behind me.

"Yes, maybe some familiarity will help you with your memory gaps." He speaks with his thumb upon his bottom lip pushing at it as he slouches with his left hand in his pocket. He was looking at me with his usual expressionless gaze that, to be honest, gave me the creeps most of the time. "You did live here for nearly an entire year." he mumbles as he turns and walks towards the front door of the house. Pulling out a key from his pocket as he moves causes me to tilt my head in confusion. Yea, if this was actually my house then why does he have the key? Shaking the thoughts out of my head I give a huff as I puff out my cheeks following him inside. Looking towards the living room I see a large television with two arm chairs, a couch, a lamp, and a coffee table. Nothing was out of place. Odd. Turning towards the kitchen I walk into it and examine the cupboards. Two coffee cups, two sets of plates, bowls, saucers. -Wait.. Everything is set in two? Why? I hate the number two its completely weird and worse then the number one.- Shaking my head I notice there is very little food and what was there were sugary snacks. -Well maybe- There was also hot cocoa, chocolate mocha, and coffee grounds sitting in one area near a coffee maker. -this house could possibly be mine yet.- "What's wrong Kira?" Lucien questions causing me to jump away from my thoughts and look to him.

"Oh! Umm, well it feels like someone completely different lived here. There's not even Pizza in the freezer." I said as I sighed moving forward back to the stairs. -Seriously, what kind of house would I have without my favorite food in it. Also, why can't I remember anything? Lucien said that he had seen people from the case he had been working on suddenly come up with amnesia but certainly not to this extent.. What in the world did that mean anyway? Is there a virus going around that causes sudden bursts of Amnesia?- Taking the first door I come to at the top of the stairs I open it and walk into the barren room. Only one thing really jumped out at me and made my eyes widen and brought a gasp from me. A three screen computer that I could just vaguely remember watching anime on and doing lots of shopping. Walking up to it I first run my fingers a cross the back of the computer chair. Unable to stop myself I jump into the chair and set upon it in Indian style flicking on the computer.

"Kira, what are you doing?" Lucien asks proving to me he was still behind me with his eyes boring into my back.

"Well you wanted me to come here to see if it sparks up some sort of familiar feelings or even memories, correct?" I speak as my fingers fly a cross the key board once the center screen came to life. Without even giving him a chance to respond I speak again. "Well, if this is really my house then my main room to be in would be this one. Meaning, if there is anything on this computer then it should come up as familiar." And as I thought, as I brought up the browser I already had multiple sites book marked. Mainly of different anime. At least one thing in the house seemed familiar. Exiting out of the browser I begin to sift through the documents. -I wonder what I had on here.- It was blank however which left me stumped. Normally I would keep a secondary diary or something on my computer. There was nothing... unless...

Suddenly standing up causing the computer chair to role backwards until I heard someone catch it I run my fingers around the tower of my computer. Everything was in tact. I wouldn't expect nothing more. But then... Turning on my toes I run past Lucien back downstairs to grab a butter knife. By the time I reached the stairs again he was in the hallway at the top of them staring at me. For once if I was right, his gaze held curiosity. Running up the stairs I move back into the computer room and look over the tower again. "What are.." he began to ask moving up closer to me before I slide the knife beneath one of the folded peaces of tin that was the side of the computer tower and begin prying it off. I learned once from how nosey my uncle is to hide my important DO NOT READ computer documents so he wouldn't find them. Not really being a computer genius for more then just surfing porn I had gotten into a habit of hiding things where most wont look. "In the tower" I speak allowed as I finish popping the side off and look inside.

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