Chapter 19

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   Chapter 19

While Light was off at school I bring up the video of Mr. Yagami. He's looking worse then usual as he sits in that metal fold out chair. "Mr. Yagami are you alright? There is no reason for you to keep doing this to yourself."

"It's been over 50 days and kira is still killing criminals even though my daughter has been in here. And as far as I'm concerned that is all the proof I need to be sure that my daughter isn't Kira. So then all that's left is for you to be sure. One way or another when I get out of here. I will be with her."

"Wow the chief can be pretty stubborn." Matsuda comments behind me.

Clicking on the microphone for Kira as I notice her during one of the few times she is actually moving. At this time she is laying down with her hat over her face. Lately she hasn't even been able to stand. There were still bruises on her legs from the last time she fell into meditation on the cement floor. "Kira, how are you feeling right now?"

I watch as she lifts her hat up just enough to show her mouth. "by that tone of voice. I'd say you are worried. But I'm okay." perceptive as always. She hasn't ate much in the 53 days she has been in there. Yet, for some reason she hasn't lost very much weight. Her figure some how has retained her previous size. Probably as a result of meditating so much. Her body was barely burning any calories. "L, you do realize every time you talk to me when I'm out of meditation and tell me that no criminals have been dying, I can tell you are lying. So why am I in here still?"

"Kira, what's in your black and metal box?"

"Oh that. It's my diary. A girl has to protect her privacy. I take it you are asking because you haven't been able to open it huh."


"You wont get it open without the keys so you'll just have to stop trying."

"I don't suppose you'll tell me where the keys are?"

"Not a chance." what could be written in her diary that is so important? Also she's been locked up for 53 days, how can she still be so calm as if having been put in here just yesterday? Clicking off of her microphone I click onto Misa Amane's,

"Amane" She was leaning forward in her binds so her head was down she looks absolutely drained of life.

"Yes?" her voice came quiet.

"Are you okay? You seem tired."

"Is that suppose to be funny? How are you expecting me to look after being tied up and questioned for this many days?"

"Hmm, that's true."

"Please just let me go. I want to see Kira. I need to see Kira... Please.. Kira"

"uh uh I'm not sure how much more of this the two of them can take." Matsuda exclaims in a worried tone.

"Ryuzaki you have no reason to keep Kira locked up anymore! Do the right thing and let her go then we can get the chief out too. Criminals are still being killed even though Misa and Kira haven't had any access to that information. We know that much already so what are you waiting for?"

"Not true, all that we know at this point is that Misa Amane, Mr. Yagami, and Light yagami all harbor an unnaturally strong devotion for Kira Lake."

"Ryuzaki.. I'm sorry but, with all do respect from where I'm standing its starting to look like you're only doing this because you don't want to admit that you are wrong about Kira!"

"Yes, I figured you'd say that."

"Okay fine but, we do know that Kira killed Lind L. Tailor and those FBI agents. Right? If Kira could kill under surveillance and without access to any information there would be no need. If they didn't pose a threat to him why would he bother killing them. Kira doesn't kill without good reason I've heard you say so yourself on more then one occasion. "

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