Chapter 21

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   Chapter 21

It has been three days and finally I get my back pack returned to me. At some point Light even went to my house and retrieved my Ipod and head phones along with clean clothes. He's such a sweet heart. Although of course Ryuzaki had to skim through it before he even allowed me to touch it. Can anyone say paranoid? I have found that being cuffed to him isn't all that bad though. When everyone is asleep and we both are still awake we talk. He tries to get me to let something slip about the case but I end up throwing it right back at him. At times he genuinely wants to get to know me. He's kept to his word about removing the cuffs when I need to go to the bathroom, get dressed, or bathe. Of course in those times light and I get caught trying to sneak private kisses but it's sort of become like a game which is funny.

Today is the day we go to the knew taskforce headquarters and Ryuzaki wanted to leave as soon as possible. Probably from Misa getting so annoying. I couldn't blame him I just wanted to shove her off to the furthest room away from me and lock her there so I couldn't hear her. Seriously, when this is all done and over with I'm so going to kill her. In the three days we had to prepare everything and get all the kinks worked out of my plan Rem and I got to spend time together. He really isn't all that bad of a shinigami. Like with light I could actually laugh with him and be myself which was nice. I'm so tired of hiding its not even funny. Pulling my bag onto my right shoulder I go to pick up my other bag but light does it for me bringing a smile to my lips as I look at him. His eyes were so cool and calculating but what I enjoyed was the fact they soften every time he looks at me. It made me feel like a weight was being pulled off of me and that I'm not alone. It is time to go. I knew it as soon as Ryuzaki started pulling me after him. He really was rude this way and from interfering before I could even touch light very nearly had me growling. It was almost as if he was deliberately trying to keep light and I apart!

Upon getting to the overly large building we walk in without even focusing on the metal detector. Ryuzaki didn't even want to take the cuffs off for it. A good part of the day was spent with Ryuzaki showing us around. And having misa's room been the first we sort of just left her there. It was kind of funny. Light, Ryuzaki, and I were all going to share the same floor. As he put it. Light and I were talking about living together anyway and this way he's closer so he wont have me trying to drag him everywhere to be able to talk to him. In the room he specified for us I was glad to see two beds that were apart but not far enough the cuffs wouldn't accommodate the distance. It was thought full of him though I suspect most of the time he wouldn't be sleeping and we will rarely ever get to go to bed. To my dismay after I put my clothes away in the dresser near the bed I claimed as my own we went back up to misa's floor to have our.. Girl time. Seriously?

My complaints were soon forgotten when I had a chocolate cake and a cup of my coffee sat in front of me. In fact it made me giggle with a wiggle. Chocolate! Did I mention how I haven't had chocolate since before I was imprisoned? I was so going through with drawls. Pulling my bag from my shoulder I set it where my feet should go between the couch and the coffee table before situating my position and setting in my usual Indian style position. "By the way Kira, I've been meaning to ask you, is your Indian style like Ryuzaki's crouched position?" light asks me. He was sitting on my right since the cuffs were on my left. I could tell from the corner of my eye before I look toward light that Ryuzaki was curious as well for he was looking at me. My cheeks flush as I pull my hair up into a high pony tail so it doesn't get into any of the chocolate. "Well kind of I guess. When my legs are down I don't think as clearly but mainly this is just more comfortable to me I guess. It allows me to think more in depth about things. So I guess with saying that then the answer would be a yes."

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