Chapter 39

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    Chapter 39

I couldn't believe it. Days have passed as I continually reread my entire diary from beginning to end and even watched the anime on my Ipad. Though my diary became extremely vague it continually mentioned an anime named Death note. From the page that spoke of how I got here on though wouldn't really put names to anyone in specific but it gave enough of a gist that when I watched the anime I could tell who I had meant. It still wasn't enough for me though. Someone, who ever had wrote me that letter on my USB. Had to of copied my handwriting and wrote those entries. They had to of. I would never, ever, for any reason Kill someone... right? That day those thoughts were overwhelming my thoughts I couldn't think of anything else. I had went to Watari's office and requested if I could use the computers on the main floor. Lucien, who had to go somewhere on short notice for some unknown reason was no where to be found. So Watari had called him and requested for me so I could use the computers along with view any and all data he had on them. They both were stumped for the most part but I guess Lucien had decided I was still searching for answers. So since this was the Kira Task Force Headquarters I may as well search through all of their findings to familiarize myself with the gaps in my memory.

I am now setting at the center computer reading through all of their information containing the Kira case and anything that was revolving around it. Watari came up behind me and spoke in his usual gentle tone. "Miss Lake. I have made coffee for you." Tearing my eyes away from the computer screen was hard and suddenly I felt how tired they were. Rubbing them briefly to help them focus before looking to the old gentlemen with a smile.

"Thank you Watari." I spoke taking the cup from him and looking back to the computer. First blowing against the steam to help cool the contents before reaching my hand to the key board and clicking the down arrow.

"Forgive my intrusion Miss Lake, but you have been here for days staring at the screen. Wont you... Shouldn't you try sleeping sometime?" Concern was evident in his voice which caused me to look back at him again. The emotion in his eyes were remembrance more then worry. Almost as if this whole scenario was déjà vu for him.

"It's alright Watari, I just cant seem to sleep while my mind is still so muddled." I speak softly to him before looking back to the screen. He remained standing behind me almost as if he new I was going to continue talking. -creepy- "Before I requested to look at all of the task force findings for the Kira case I had read something disturbing. I had to know if it was true so I read my diary and poked around my gadgets. Almost as if I was hoping to disprove everything I was finding out, I felt like I needed to see from an outside source." Bringing my coffee to my lips a take a drink before bowing my head looking down at the dark liquid as I swallow. There wasn't enough chocolate in it but I very well couldn't say that to this nice old man, right? I continue talking deciding I shouldn't tell him. "I kept telling myself, there was no way I could ever be a killer. There was no way I would manipulate others. That I would never have.. Dark emotions. Or even no emotions at all. But, according to these documents I very well could have." With my last sentence I set my coffee down on the desk and begin flipping through the files again. "It seems Lucien, who was called L, Eraldo coil and even Ryuzaki. Had no evidence against me. But, even he believed I was actually the one killing. I'm not exactly sure if I wasn't the main Kira or even the Second Kira. My journal made no true mention of them. It did however, speak of how I had killed people even before coming here with the use of a Death Note. As if it meant nothing to me to have caused deaths. It even mentioned things about Ha Ha! I am your executioner.. So In the recess of my mind I began to wonder if I really was this killer. Which I have now found out to be a mass murdering serial killer."

"So what have you figured out?" The familiar voice spoke up from a cross the room causing me to turn my chair around and look passed Watari who too even looked behind him. Standing there in the center of the room with his left hand in the pocket of his jeans and his right scratching the back of his messy black hair was Lucien. His dark gaze staring at me as if he wasn't completely all there. As if he was listening but yet, lost in his own thoughts. I tried to give him a smile but it turned into more of a grimace before I glanced down and turned back around.

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