Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Walking out of my house I hum softly to myself all day yesterday I had been texting Misa telling her what I wanted her to do. Explained to her in great detail step for step so she wouldn't mess up. Of course after the conversation I had to go through the hassle of hacking into the cell phone company and going through looking up all of the records of our texts and deleting them that way when she gets caught there would be no record of it. It was nice having a pawn. Pulling my hat on I walk down town to do some window shopping and possibly actually shopping. Today Light would be busy at Shibuya and Aoyama so I had to kill time some how. Bouncing from store to store I find things I'd like to wear sometime and other things like stocking back up on my coffee stuff. I also found some clothes that Light would like. Stopping at a sweets shop I go inside and look around at all of the chocolate and cakes making my mouth water. Purchasing a straw berry short cake I walk to a table and eat it making sounds of delight as I do.  

Upon finishing I grab all of my bags and walk out back to my place. Having spent the whole day shopping I did feel quite tired. I began to wonder what I should do until  the 25th. Giggling I decide to go back to school and make an appearance there.


"So we were there both days. In Aoyama on the 22nd and Shibuya on the 24th and we observed nothing of significance on either occasion. That leaves us with only the Dome on the 30th." Aizawa reads off the report as I just sit there looking towards Ryuzaki in front of me. I didn't notice anyone who looked like what Kira had told me or even anyone who looked suspicious. I didn't even see Kira at all that day. The chances of us passing would have been high. At that second Ryuzaki's computer beeps before watari's screen image pops up.

"Ryuzaki apparently Sakura TV has just received another message from the second Kira." Watari pauses as everyone stands up looking at the computer so I decide to stand as well. "It was post marked for the 23rd" The computer then blinked to show the grey screen with Kira's name. 

"I am happy to say that I have found Kira, to all of the people at the television station and the police department I'd like to thank you very much ." Impossible.. Where Aoyama? But I didn't see Kira or her there. 

"This is a disaster if he found him." Aizawa speaks up.

"It most likely means that the two Kira's are now cooperating with each other." my father says.

Watching Ryuzaki pick up his tea and spoon he speaks. "At this point I don't think we should jump to any conclusions. The second Kira is only saying he found him nothing more. He may not have made contact yet. Now that it's come to this." He pauses to take a loud sip of his tea. "We have no choice but to communicate as the police directly with the second Kira."

"You want to send a message?" Matsui asks.

"Yes.. The police need to reach out to the copy cat and offer him a deal we would need to negotiate with him to see if we can get Kira's real name."

Ryuk chuckles. "That's the last thing you wanted to hear. Right?"

This isn't good. I have no idea what Kira is planning or even how the fake Kira will react to this. But I have no means in stopping the police from sending this message.


Back at home I'm sitting at my desk watching my TV. Wondering if I should just go over to Kira's and ask her directly what is going on.

"If Kira doesn't yet know your name it may not be too late for you provided you are willing to cooperate what ever you do you must not approach Kira out of curiosity make no mistake Kira will kill you if you contact him. You'll be used and disposed of.."

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