Chapter 35

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  Chapter 35


Standing over Kira's bed in the Task Force Headquarters. L and his -Followers- had tracked her the way Matsuda had suggested but, it seems they had arrived too late. The warehouse was full of dead men and at first even I thought Kira's life was taken. It seems she had suffered a traumatic event that I had initially passed off as just another fun evening. I hate it when there is absolutely nothing happening. It's too boring when things are going too smoothly. Mom always said I had a sadistic side to me because my father's blood runs through my veins. The criminals were definitely a death note killing. I just cant seem to figure out what could have happened to put Kira in this state.

Moving my gaze from her I look to the monitors L had Watari set up. Her vitals were low but not low enough to be of any true alarm. L had even placed a breathing mask over her face and the air pump was currently working away. Thanks to his quick thinking her air levels had raised, but she was still pale. Far too pale. I found my fists clenching before I forced them to relax. What kind of second am I if she can turn up in this state of being. Closing my eyes I exhaled a breath relaxing myself. Allowing my energy to hum through me and concentrate it towards my eyes. I almost didn't want to see but I knew I must. It may tell me what had happened.

Opening my eyes I look back to my cousin, relaxing my eyes further the room became blurry. The only clear thing in my gaze was the sight of her. The brilliant blue aura inherited by her mother was dim. Almost as if it had never been exercised before. The fact her training took so much out of her could have resulted in this but I never thought it would have lowered to this degree. Taking in another breath I push a little more of my energy so I may see her own. The blazing blue roared like fire in front of my very eyes. It was even more erratic then it had been the first time I had seen her. What was curious though. There was no longer black webbed within. Where there had been only specks of blue before was now nothing but. "Tell me what happened." I muttered lowering my gaze so I may view her fully. Nothing but a searing blue but... "There's a gap."

"What do you mean by a gap?" L's voice came up from behind me as he too moved to her bed. This isn't our world. I had decided the first time my cousin and I met that there was no need to hide ourselves. If something ever did happen from the knowledge of us we could always leave. L though, never struck me as human. I guess the true reason why I followed Kira here was so I may see for myself as to what he truly was. Even now his bluish grey aura confounds me. Usually Aura was a solid color with possible strips of different. Also when focused on you can view the different auras of their life through out their vitals. But what I focus on is their main aura it helps to pluck humans from immortals. Aura's do not mix colors to make a completely different one. Neither color being more prominent then the other so it was difficult to read.

"Her heart aura should cast brightly, almost brighter then the rest. But, there is just nothing there as was stopped or taken. I've never seen anything like it." Shaking my head I realize he was watching me. Not once before now had I shown any emotion towards anyone except for the slip of enjoyment for something actually happening. The gap shows something happened to her but I already knew that from the state of being she is in. It didn't tell me what happened as I had hoped. "Have you found Light?" I question, knowing even though she wouldn't tell me anything beyond how they love each other. That is what Kira would want to know right now.

"There was a set of rope found at the scene as if someone had been bound with a back over their head. My guess is they either moved him before she got there or released him once they knew they had who they wanted. Although with all of them dead of heart attacks there can no longer be any mistake. Kiara is Kira."

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