Chapter 41

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    Chapter 41

(Earlier that night before Light went to Misa's room)

"You are quite good at this." Lucien says as I click off the communication. I couldn't help but feel my cheeks heat up from his compliment. "You do know, if you wanted to you could either succeed me or we could work together as L and S in the future." I found myself looking away from the computer towards him with my eyes widening.

"You mean.. Me become S full time?" I had to question. Why else would he suggest it? Have I really found something that all my skills could be used for? Looking back to the computer I bring the applications up onto the large screen in front of us so it now contained everything I had used my call to the Task force to cover up what I had really been after. Images from the webcam on their computer streamed in a large video of the now empty room as well as having tapped into their microphone it was now broadcasting all sound to us. I wasn't done yet, but this will give us full view of what the Task Force is really up to.

"I really do believe." He speaks in a little more then a whisper as he now looks up to the screens I was showing. Even as another one pops up showing I was now liberating information from their files to fill in the gaps from the past four years of Light Yagami being L.

"Well.." I said as I was finishing up the file download and turn my head to look towards Lucien. "It could be fun.. I've spent so long bored out of my mind at home that I've picked up otherwise useless skills such as what I'm doing right now. Nothing really challenges me in my life. So..." Looking back to the computer I begin to hack into the cell phone company so I may bring up Gps of the phones belonging to Light Yagami and Misa Amane. As well as enabling us to listen in on their phone conversations and read their texts. Successfully filling up the last bit of open space on the large screen with six separate smaller windows. Setting them to record I finally lean back in my chair. "So why not fall under my guise of S."

"Yes." he breaths as his thumb pushes against his bottom lip before speaking again. "By the way, why S?"

Setting up I look at him nearly giggling. "If I would have done K for my first name he would have figured it out. As for my last name L is already taken so I had to think of something. I was out of options really except... My middle name which my mom gave me that is the exact replica of her old nickname."

"Sapphire." He spoke almost as if recalling what was written on my Mom's back pack. I gave him a nod before looking back up to the screen. Earlier when we had pressed that the news article in the obituaries made it to this mornings paper. We had moved temporarily into a hotel late last night. Which seemed oddly familiar to me but then again I could only place it being from the Death Note episodes I had previously watched in my room. On it, L would change hotels every few days. So we had timed our return perfectly until Matsuda the second youngest detective had already came here and rushed through the building searching for us. We had to make it look as if the place had been abandoned for this to work. Deep down, somehow I knew someone would try and find out the truth from Lucien or Watari. It was best if it seemed like with my death they had no more reason to stay here.

Over the video I had managed to connect during my brief call to the task force I could tell that my death had affected all of them. But, I hadn't been prepared for the amount of pain echoing in Light Yagami's eyes, which was quickly covered by a challenging glare at the computer at some point when I was speaking. There is no doubt. Light Yagami, you are Kira. I didn't know if I was happy about what I was doing or not. I felt a pit of pain building inside of me mixed with triumph that I was going to repay him for his betrayal. "Thank you Watari." Lucien says bringing me out of my thoughts as I notice Watari had wheeled in a cart full of sweets. Just before he handed me another cup of coffee. Reminding me it was now a waiting game, taking a few cookies and a slice of strawberry shortcake, which I found it hard not to squeal from seeing. I return to our task at hand as I munch down on the cookies before scooping a piece of my cake with my fork and taking a bite. Coffee left temporarily forgotten on the desk as I enjoy my cake and scroll through their progress over the four years.

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