Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Oh look at that, you're a completely different Shinigami then Rem aren't you? I already know your name its Ryuk right?" She waves to him. "It's nice to meet you." He waves back to be nice. 

"Yea.. Same here" Looking away I sigh glad he's behaving.

"Oh by the way Kira, do you know how to kill a Shinigami?"

Okay question is. Play stupid or just tell her? "No, I cant say I've heard that." I lean back against the wall taking off my hat and brushing my hair out of my eyes I listen to her relaying what Rem told her. I have to start being nicer to this girl otherwise my other plan wont work.

"So let me get this strait. If a Shinigami has feelings for a human and kills someone else in order to extend that human's life beyond that human's natural end then that Shinigami will die?" 

"That's right" So she told me this story as another way for me to trust her. To try and become friends with me. I see. 

Ryuk laughs. "Good luck with finding a Shinigami who will volunteer to do that."

"That's true, I cant see you ever doing that. By the way. Where did you end up sending all of those tapes from? The ones that went to the TV stations?" Misa looks happy I actually asked, its good to keep the conversation going so she'll trust me.

"Lets see" she brings her finger to her cheek as she looks right remembering all the places. Naming them off one by one "I took the bullet train every time so that way the police couldn't pin point my location."

"Alright, one more thing. Do you still have the video tapes and envelopes with your friend's fingerprints on them?"


"Well you'll have to dispose of everything that was used to create those video tapes understand? But before you do I need you to send Three last videos make sure they are from places you haven't used yet. The first I wish you to send the video you were already planning on sending in order to meet me. But instead of going I want you to do something for me before sending the second. I'll send you what they should say through a text when I am ready for you to send either of them. Can you do this?"

"There is no need to ask, just tell me what to do and I'll do it because I'd do anything for Kira."

"There is one more thing that is very important."

"What's that?"

"If you get arrested by the police or if you are ever brought in for questioning you can never mention anything about us being in contact or the death note." I walk over to my computer stand and gently lean my side against it crossing my arms. "As long as they don't get a hold of that note book there is no proof that you did anything." Pausing taking the time to flip my hair behind me. "Can you promise to say nothing?"

"I promise."

"L already suspects that I'm the Kira killing the criminals. So we have to limit our contact do you understand?" I decide to throw this in knowing Misa from the anime she'll try to meet up with me when ever she can. 

"No way L is amazing, I mean.. Everyone is saying that he's been getting no where with the investigation and that he is a complete idiot and stuff. But he already knows that much?"

"Anyway. Because of that I've been able to meet L."

"So you and L are in contact with each other? Then that's even more amazing. This is getting so exciting!"

"Even though he suspects I'm Kira he figures he is safe as long as I don't know his real name, he came right out and told me who he was just to try and get to me. How ever he is only focusing on me because he has no other suspects and he has no evidence."

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