Chapter 23

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   Chapter 23


Looking down at my pink pixie cup I can't help but think about everything that Kiara had told me. She has faith in me over the others. She has shown she can trust me. But.. I lift my gaze and look behind me at the large building knowing it is the Yotsuba group's main Tokyo office. And today is Friday. Thinking back I remember Chief talk about all the deaths revolving around the weekends. And Kiara told me that she believes that Yotsuba is holding secret meetings with kira among them and that they would most likely fall on Friday if they actually happen. As she said she couldn't prove any of this without hacking into the surveillances and couldn't do that in her situation without letting Ryuzaki know about it. I remember the chief talking about how the last thing he wants to be is dead weight, and how Rousakis even complimented on how efficient Mogi has been from the start. Everyone's voices seemed to flow through my thoughts about all the times I've been yelled at and even light saying being an idiot is my specialty. All they've been doing is treating me like I'm a nuisance who shouldn't even be there but then.. -"You know everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. You watching over Misa does help the investigation out. It makes sure she doesn't become the second kira again so they only have to worry about one Kira. Also they may say you're being an idiot but you help keep a light atmosphere which helps them concentrate."-

I remember her words. And her face as she smiled at me. She was so relaxed talking to me. In all the time I've seen her she only smiled like that to Light. -"I have faith in you Matsuda."- She needs proof! She needs someone to prove her theory! Throwing my cup to the ground I take off running to the Yotsuba group's main office. I will get it for her! I wont let her down! Once inside I crawl past the security desk. I can do this. I have to do this. She needs me to do this. Going further into the building I go to go around a corner but pause as I see a group of men walking this way. Ducking further back down the hall I cant help but wonder if those are the people that are going to be meeting. No, it stands out too much. It would have to be done secretly. Watching them walk into the elevator I couldn't help but feel nervous. Maybe I should leave while I still have a chance? No then there would have been no point in coming here! Should I wait until everyone's gone and search their offices? I cant, I'd probably get caught doing that and then.. I wouldn't be able to prove her theories. I would let her down... Maybe I should get out of here.

"Not this again!"

"I'm too tired."

Looking around the corner I see two men standing in front of the elevator. One had black here and the other was blond. "Look at the bright side at least it falls on the weekend, we never know how long these confidential meetings will go on for." gasping, I nearly dance where I stand. "Can you imagine if we did this on Mondays that would be the worst start to the week." Confidential meetings? Alright! Hang on Kiara, I've almost got your proof. Moving around the corner I hug the wall until the elevator door closes then I push myself from it looking up at the floor numbers to see which one it stops at. The 19th floor. Come on remember it. The 19th floor. Turning I run for the stairs and begin running up them.

I've made it this far! I'm going to see it through! I push myself up the stairs counting the floors as I pass them. Going onto the 19th floor I walk through a set of automatic sliding glass doors. Pausing to glance to the left and the right down the hall I walk up to a large brown door. This has to be it. If I get caught I will most likely die. But I cant back down now. Leaning my ear against the door I try to hear was is being said.

Damn it! I cant hear them clearly. If only I could just hear one thing! Something important, Something that will prove her theories. Closing my eyes I focus on what is being said behind the door. Upon hearing it my eyes go wide as I feel like I just accomplished something huge. I just heard someone say kill! Kira! There it is. Kiara they said it! What's that? Lets have kira get rid of him. I heard it! They really are working with him! I did it! This is huge! I cant wait to tell Kiara! At that exact moment the doors open causing me to loose my footing and land on my hands and knees. Looking up I feel my heart stop.

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