Chapter 46

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    Chapter 46


Ryuzaki was sending someone else to help us. Still refusing to pick his job back up and take on the name of L. Being unable to solve the case must have really gotten to him. It isn't like him to just give up. Closing my eyes briefly I settle my thoughts. No, he hasn't completely given up at all. He was still paying attention to the case and even sending someone to help us. The Task force was excited to hear from L and the fact he was sending someone in to join us. As for me. It's just another person for me to worry about. Without Misa and Kira, I am on my own. I will have to be extra careful for now on. Within the space of a couple hours the door bell sounded throughout the apartment signifying the arrival of Ryuzaki's helper. Everyone stood as if they were ready to go and retrieve her at the same time but it was I who made it to the door first. "I'll show her in." I tell them causing them to all sit back down.

Even though they were excited for the help. It was evident that they were all nervous. Wondering whom this person was. Making my way through the apartment, the door bell rang again before I could even reach the door. Opening it and seeing who was standing outside I found myself freeze as I take in the sight of her. Her long blond hair was left down this time except for two thin braids that contained her bangs to keep them out of her eyes. Her deep green eyes stared up at me with emotions that was hard to catch beyond her tense nerves. This night, she was wearing a white button up sleeveless shirt with black and white arm sleeves that stopped halfway up her arms with a clasp. A black tie draping around her neck and over her white shirt making the look seem at the very least somewhat professional. Black cotton shorts the stopped near the top of her thights about an inch from the beginning of black and white leggings which looked similar to the sleeves on her arms leading to the sight of two white sneakers containing a black cross on the top of each one.

I watched as she rummaged in a shoulder bag for something. Initially passing it off as her phone again before she actually pulled out her ID. Taking it from her I look first at the photo of her before skimming to her name. Alessia Giosetta... what kind of name is that? Oh.. It's Italian. Wait.. She's from Italy? Never thought that was even a possibility. I had more figured she was English or American. Knowing L though, this is an Alias. He wouldn't really send someone into the heart of the Kira investigation without an alias. Handing her back her ID I give her a smile. "Welcome Alessia. I will show you to the room we hold as our Head Quarters." I speak to her as I step back from the door to allow her in. She slips passed me nearly walking completely into my apartment before back tracking and removing her sneakers. Well, she's trying to be polite. Had I really thought she was being rude last time before she explained her inability to speak? She's a nice girl. Coming up beside her I look down at her momentarily. I couldn't tell if I looked down to make sure she was understanding me or if I just wanted to look into her deep green eyes. "It's this way." I spoke softly confused with my own warring emotions as I walk in front of her guiding her to the room the others were in.

As I opened the door I heard her rustling in her bag again behind me even before I stepped into the room where everyone was already standing again to be polite. "Everyone. This is Alessia Giosetta" I speak to them hearing her come up beside me. Now, how polite are you Alessia? I found myself wondering before I seen her hold something behind her back and give a bow of greeting. She really is a good girl. "Alessia, this is my dad, Cheif Soichiro Yagami, this is Shuichi Aizawa, Touta Matsuda, and Kanzo Mogi." I speak to her as I motion towards each and every one of them as I say their names. I can hear a soft clicking next to me as everyone takes in a breath. Looking down I see her holding one of the new touch pads in her hands letting her fingers skit away over the screen before finally turning it around for them to see.

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