Chapter 50

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    Chapter 50

If this new Kira is trying to contact me then how would they know I love the night sky? Or specifically love it enough to constantly doodle crescent moons and stars, even wear them in my ears on my clothes, etc. It would have to be someone who knows me. If that is the case. Could Aphrodite be back and using these murders to try and contact me? She would have no way in knowing if I have woken up though. So would she actually be trying to tell Light that she is back? If so then why? Setting on my couch I give a sigh pulling out my laptop and booting it up. If it isn't Aphrodite though and the way they used a moon and star along with the symbol of god they could be saying they know that Kira Lake is still alive and they believe the leader of this dark new world is in fact both Light and Kira. With that probability in mind it would lead me to wonder how they have gotten a hold of the information. They could be a skilled hacker and hacked into Light's computer much like I did but with his set up. The computer would have to be on in order to do so and it is only on when he is at the computer or when the task force is conferencing.

I had to literally use S to call them so I could cover up what I was doing. Otherwise I would have been found out. Especially since I had to go through the connections of his computer's set up so that The camera could be on even when the screen is not. Either way, this is very disconcerting. A new Kira and to top it off... I am losing more and more time. It is getting worse with each passing day. Could my amnesia really not be about the death note? Could something truly be really wrong with me? Sighing again I hook my pad up to my laptop so I can transfer my latest entries onto my computer once it had completely booted up. Seeing a folder on my desk top left me baffled. Has someone been using my computer? It was untitled unlike my other documents I put on her. If that wasn't weird enough I always place my documents in the documents folder not on the desktop since, the more items you have on the desk top uses more battery. Because the computer has to use the extra pixels to show it and what not. So I keep my desktop as plain as possible.

Leaving my pad to do it's thing with the uploading the documents onto my computer I pull up this.. Folder so I can get an idea of what it is. It automatically opens up the folder page showing one lone word document titled. KIRA LAKE. Odd, it's just like the time with the USB. Could the USB really not have been my doing after all? Would that mean someone has broken into my hotel room? With that probability... I need to start changing hotel rooms.... Holding my breath I open the document and wait for word to pop up and fully load what was on there. Which didn't take long.


You are probably betting someone has broken into your hotel room. Which is funny. Either way. Go to your dresser and open the undergarment drawer. At the bottom beneath the items pull out what is there.

It was a short letter... Weird. Getting up I shut my computer screen before walking into the bedroom of this suit and go to my dresser as it had stated. I found my hands hesitating just as I grab the handle of the particular drawer... What could be in here? What if it is dangerous? Should I get a task force member to come in and run an analysis on the drawer to make sure it isn't actually a bomb or something? Shaking my head I take in a breath. Calm down Sapphire. Even if it's a bomb it wont kill you so stop freaking out. With having gotten myself composed I slowly open the drawer to reveal my thin delicate undergarments. Moving the soft materials aside I found my breath catching at what I saw.

Grabbing what was there I felt my head explode in a sudden pain as my room fazes out while thoughts and memories burst through my mind. I felt myself screaming from the pain but it was muffled out by all the conversations I had forgotten. Ending in a painful memory of the last time I Kira Lake was a true owner of the death note. -"Kira, I can no longer let you endanger yourself, just for me. Your life, is far too precious to me to loose. You will not remember the death note, I also do not know what you will remember after this. But, so you know before you loose it all. I will not let you create another one, I will no longer let you be my shield. I am the God of the new world, I need no one."-

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