Chapter 3

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(I wanted to apologize for the delay. I was experiencing computer problems and i could not get anything to work correctly let alone even open my google chrome. So without further delay here is chapter three.)

Chapter 3

        Three days and all I've been doing is going from occult store to occult store trying to find a way back home. Yet all I have found is made up rubbish that wouldn't work even if someone like me tried it. Rubbing my tired eyes I try to figure out another place to check. Biting my bottom lip I look up at the sky. "If I tried the internet all I would most likely get is more complete and utter nonsense. Top it off the past two days every time I go, Light is never home." Looking ahead of me I begin walking. My skirt lightly brushing against my upper thighs showing skin between the fabric and my knee high black socks. Pulling my back pack higher up onto my back causing my see through off the shoulder white shirt to ruffle showing more of the blue spaghetti string tank top underneath it. With my long black hair pulled up into a high pony tail giving view to my crescent moon dangling earrings. Looking at my watch my eyes widen noticing the time.  "Shit it's 4:15! It would normally take 20 minutes to get from here to Lights!" It was time in just ten minutes L's broadcast will begin.(don't believe me? Go to episode 2. 14:56 in, the left hand corner of the TV is a clock that says 4:25 pm) Running I push my legs as fast as I can nearly wanting to drop my bag so I can make it there in time. An animalistic growl escaped from me causing those who I was running by to stop and watch me but, I didn't have the time to care about that! 

"Damn it, if I had wings like mom and dad I would totally be there by now!" Corner after corner I push myself so I don't loose momentum nearly smacking into an elderly woman that I barely even dodged in time. Reaching Light's house I throw myself into the air landing on top of his yard fence before leaping into the neighboring tree, and running down a branch. Launching myself over the top of his yard catching hold of his small balcony. With a kick of my legs I flip myself upside down into a handstand. Tilting my legs back so as they touch the floor of the balcony my upper body goes with it. Nearly causing myself to roll into the sliding glass door. Throwing it open in mid fall I roll into his room smacking against his bed. "Don't!" I yell loudly causing Light to jump but it was all for naught. I heard the sounds of Lind L. Tailor in his final moments. Rubbing my throbbing head as I continue to try and regulate my breathing, I nearly cry from failing. 

".Eh.. I had to test this just in case but I.. Never thought it would actually happen.. Kira.. It seems you can kill people without having to be there in person.. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't just witnessed it.." Standing I walk over to Light who is just staring at the TV in disbelief. "Listen to me, Kira.. If you did indeed kill Lind. L. Tailor the man who you just saw die on television. I should tell you he was an inmate who's execution was scheduled for today. That was not me. The police arrested him in absolute secrecy so you wouldn't have heard about him on TV or through the internet. It appears that not even you have access to information about these types of criminals."

"Heheh. He got you there" Ryuk said momentarily leaning down closer to Light's height.

"But I assure you! L is real. I do exist.. Now! Try to kill me!... What's wrong hurry up! Come on right now! Kill me! Come on try and kill me. What's the matter can't you do it?"

I began to recite his speech subconsciously. "Well Kira it seems you cant kill me after all." Ryuk's annoying laugh pipes in on my pause. "So there are some people you can't kill. You've given me a useful hint. Let me return the favor. I'll tell you something I think you'll find interesting." Light looks at me in the same disbelieving stare. "Although this was announced as a world wide broadcast. The truth is we are only broadcasting in the Kanto region of Japan.. I had planned to broadcast this message around the world until we found you.  But it looks like that wont be necessary. I now know where you are." Ryuk laughs again and my cheeks redden realizing I was talking along with L now watching Light rather then the TV.

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