Chapter 18

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   Chapter 18

Setting on the couch away from the screen I set next to me the old bag that Aizawa handed me as they sit on arm chairs around me. "Alright, what we know about this bag is that supposedly it used to belong to her mom when she was growing up. So this nickname on here must have been from her. But Kira's birth certificate and even her childhood background are obviously forged so we cant know for certain." I explain to them about the old accessory before opening it so Matsuda could take notes. I reach in and pull out one of the binders. It had B.O.S written in some sort of sparkly green gel on it's black surface lifting it up I look around it. "Alright with this, it's obviously almost as old as the bag but not so beaten up." Tugging on the zipper I open it up. "The first page in rather messy hand writing reads, B.O.S and then under that it says Book of Shadows. I believe I've heard that somewhere."

"Isn't that the pagan term for those who practice the craft and they place all of their supposed accomplished spells in? I think we covered it briefly when I was still in school." Aizawa elaborates for us. Spells? Paganism? Witch craft? "Well I needlessly have to say that this doesn't exactly fit with the front Kira has given us." I flip through the pages and sure enough there were rituals written within it but what I found most curious were the pages that were more like notes. "There are some pages of notes in this thing. In the first one just ten pages in it reads. -To see without seeing, To hear without hearing, To touch without touching. All of the aspects for one's astral self to be brought from the astral world into this realm. One must reach a heightened sense of awareness. Humans cannot generally obtain this without first dying.-"

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Bringing my thumb to my bottom lip I reread it over and over again. To see without seeing, To hear without hearing, To touch without touching. It doesn't make any sense at all!.

"How can someone see without seeing, hear without hearing, and touch without touching? There is no poss..." Thinking back I remember when Light first showed up here.. "Could that really be how?"

"What do you mean?" Matsuda and Aizawa ask at the same time. Setting the binder aside I leap up off the couch and go back to the screens.

"Watari, I don't care how you do it. Wake Kira up immediately."

"Right away"

The other two had followed me clearly stumped as I see Watari shaking Kira before finally resorting to raising his hand and striking her a crossed the cheek. But still she didn't wake or even flinch. Finally I watch as he closes off all her air ways. Time ticked by reaching nearly five minutes until she finally jerked away from his hold. "Kira" I say watching her sputtering for air.

"You could have killed me!" she snaps. "Did you honestly not know that when someone goes into a deep meditation they have no realization of their physical form!"

"But you did come out of it, so no harm done."

She raises her upper lip as if she was snarling. This temper is something I've never seen from her. "What is it that you wanted." she finally pops back to her calm self.

"I wanted to ask how you knew light was here the other day when the microphone was turned off."

"I didn't think about that?!" Matsuda comments in surprise.

"How else? I know that light is working the investigation with you guys. He accidentally let it slip one night and I called him out on it. He really is bad at lying. I can always tell." I see.

"So you only took a wild guess?"

"Pretty much."

"What else can you do?"

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