38. The New Team

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I woke up and it was about 7:20. "Avalon, here's my 'away' jersey, I want you to wear it tonight." He said throwing it at me.

"25, it's still your number." I said laughing. "Well you, my best friend where born on the 25th." "My number is still 31, but I haven't joined a team yet."

I took off my shirt and put on the jersey. I brushed my hair with the brush that was in my bag and applied mascara which was also in my bag.

"Want to drive?" He asked. "Yeah." He tossed me my keys and we got into my jeep. I plugged in my phone and played music.

"I seriously can't believe Margo." I said while we stopped at a stop light. "Take a right at that street, and I know."

We continued and I took a right. "Avalon look, your family will soon believe you." Nolan said. "Dude are you kidding me? They literally kicked me out."

"Take a left on that street, and Lony, there's still New York in a day, remember." I took a left. "I just don't know what I did to Margo."

"Take a left into that parking lot and were here. And Lonix really, I know it's hard for now but soon they'll come around."

I parked the jeep and took my keys. He hopped over the door of the jeep, grabbed his things out of the back and walked over to my side. "Come on, be happy. How about you call Michelle and ask her if she called Officer Nicole yet."

I stared and smiled at him. "Let's go." He said while opening the door for me. I got out and followed him to the field.

I took out my phone and called Michelle, a few seconds later she picked up.

Michelle// AVALON! Nicole said you can go! So pack tonight!
Avalon// REALLY! And Michelle I would appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anyone.
Michelle// That's all right, and I'll see you when you get back because I'm suck at work for two more days
Michelle// Love you too baby girl, see you soon!

"NOLAN! I CAN GO!" I yelled. I hugged him and smiled. "Yo Nolan! Yo-" The guy who was speaking stopped. I laughed and followed Nolan to the dugout. "Hey coach this is a good friend of mine, her names Avalon, she lived in the 7th street orphanage. She's coming on the trip tomorrow and I wanted to know if she could chill here in the dug."

"Hey Avalon, just call me coach. Cap, lead warm ups." He said. Nolan ran out. "Nolan's captain?" I asked. "Yeah and a good one. So do you play any sports?" Coach asked.

"Softball and Volleyball, but it's too late to join any teams and the season is pretty much almost over." "Well I'd be glad if you helped out around here. What positions do you play?" He said.

"I'll be around a lot so I'll be glad to, and I'm a catcher and first baseman. But coach, I really don't want them to treat my like a girl." I said. "First task is to call in all the guys and I got you." He said laughing.

"BRING IT IN." I yelled and smiled. All the guys looked at me oddly. One of the guys went up to Nolan and asked him something, Nolan shook his head.

When everyone got into the dugout, the all looked at me. Their coach started to speak and I sat next to Nolan. "Everyone you may have heard a girl call you in and no it was not me. Everyone this is Avalon, one of Nolan's friends and she'll be hanging out with us for a while so get to know her. Also, treat her like one of the guys, she's not here to be your water girl or servant, she's here to pretty much co coach." He looked at me and laughed. "Avalon, introduce yourself and give your first orders as co/coach. Here's the batting order and positions. Read them out."

One of the guys raised their hands, "What?" I asked.

"Are you that girl who hit that home run against the number one team in the league, the one from the orphanage."

"Yup." I said and laughed. "Right on." He said and smirked.

Nolan pushed me up. "Uh, I'm Avalon, friend of Nolan, yadayadayaa. Alright this is your batting order and your position. Jackson, 1st. Mike, Right. Jordan, short. Nolan, at the mound..."

I read out the rest of the list. I stood by the entrance into the dugout. "Alright, time to run out I the field." Coach said. The guys lined up. "What are you waiting for?" I asked them.

"You have to high five all of us before we go out on the field." Jackson said. "Oh." I laughed and swung my hand up. They all ran out giving me high fives. Nolan was last and I have him a hug cause he was special.

Everyone from the other team were giving me weird looks. I laughed and watched the game.

"Hey." I turned around to see a few guys standing up against the fence. They were the subs. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you and Nolan dating?" "Haha no, we're just good friend, since we were like two or something." I said.

"But he said that he moved here when he was like ten." One of them complained. "Yeah, him and I were best friends in New York." I said.

"Then why are you here?" One of then asked. "My entire family was killed in a house fire on my birthday and no orphanages would take me in, near New York. So I had to move into the 7th street orphanage and I went to the boardwalk one day and ran into Nolan and yeah." They looked at me silently. "What?" I asked them. "We didn't know, sorry about your family." "Yeah, it's alright, I'm getting used to talking about it at this point."

"Wait the 7th street orphanage?" One of the guys asked. "Yeah." I nodded.

"My brothers were just adopted from there." He said. "What were their names?" "Eli, Mitch, and Thomas." He said.

I instantly started to smile. "You know them?" He asked. I smiled and took my phone and showed him pictures. "Well I guess that's a yes. They're amazing if you wanna know." He said.

"I know they are, how are they, have they been behaving and stuff?" I asked. "They're probably three of the best brothers I could ask for." He said. "That's amazing, and what's your name?" I asked.

"Matt." He said sticking out a hand. "Avalon." I said shaking it.

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