44. Day 1 Game 1

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I woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning. Since were here for the tournament and we're in the presidents suite or whatever it's called. We get free room service and food.

I called and orders a bunch of food for breakfast. There was a box next to the door and it was for me from my coach.

I opened it up and it was an official Co-Coach Jersey. I had the stupidest smile on my face. I ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower, dried my hair, put it up in a ponytail, put on mascara and walked out.

I opened my suit case and thought. I put on ombré blue and white shorts, my black converse, and my official Co-Coach jersey which looked cool af.

It was a dry fit/heat resistant long sleeve shirt and it was loose and airy. (So my body could get some air and not sweat to death) It had my number and last name on the back, and it had Co-Coach printed onto the sleeves and on the top left shoulder.

Oh and it obviously had our kick ass logo on the stomach area of the shirt. Room service got up here fast, it was about 6:40 and literally everyone was still asleep.

I asked them to quietly help me set up all the food on the humungous dining room table. As soon as we finished it was about 6 o'clock and they left.

Coach then walked in. "How's the new shirt?" He asked smiling. "Amazing, and you should eat before they do." I said. I also ate and then ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

I handed him a plate. "Thanks for getting room service up here early, what time did you wake up?" Coach asked me. "Like fiveish." I said. "Well you've got amazing team spirit." He said laughing.

"Avalon, do you mind waking everyone up? We need to be at the field at 8 o'clock." He asked. "Yeah sure." "Have fun waking them up, I've had them all for about four years... They're impossible." He said laughing. "Oh really?" I said.

I took a frying pan that was left up here and a wooden spoon. I opened all of the doors that connected our three rooms and made sure nothing would be able to trip me. "What are you doing?" Coach asked laughing. "Oh you'll see." I said.

I got in my running stance and started running through all three rooms banging on the frying pan. Everyone instantly woke up in fright and in less than 6 minutes everyone was in the dining room.

"I gotta give you props." Coach said laughing. All the guys were eating and when they saw me they all smiled at my spirt and energy.

After all the guys got ready and got their baseball bags, I got my fully charged phone and we all ran down to the bus. The bus ride was 40 minutes.

When we got their, it was baseball heaven. There were four baseball fields right next to each other and two about a fourth a mile away.

When we got to the field we went into the dug out. "Avalon, take the team out to the outfield and warm up." Coach said.

Everyone took their mits and I took the bucket of baseballs. "Throw your mits aside and give me two laps around the baseball field." They threw their mits and ran. When they finished they stopped.

"Alright, circle up, do your regular arm and leg stretches. Matt, Nolan, lead the stretches today. After stretching arm up your arm with someone." They started doing that and I ran to coach.

"Hey Avalon, bring this over to the coach on the other team, it's our line up." Coach handed the line up to me and I ran to the other dug out.

"Coach. This is our teams line up." I said handing it to him. "Thanks, here's ours." He said. "And nice to meet you." He said as I walked away. "You too."

"Shit, Avalon, I forgot the First Aid Kit, can you run to the bus and get it. It's in the same place where it dropped us off."

I nodded and ran. Right when I ran out of the field and to the parking lot I ran, bumped into a guy, and I fell, and he fell on top of me.

"We gotta stop meeting like this." I looked up to see Owen. "Oh, hey and yeah my ass is starting to hurt." I said covering my face and laughing. He swung his arm out and helped me up. "Hey guys it's the Lady Blue Jay!" Someone yelled from Owen's team.

I suddenly looked at their uniforms... Tronton Tornados... Damn it.

"No, hunny. I'm a Blue Jay, not a Lady Blue Jay, alright?" I said. His team walked away as Owen stood and talked to me. "Your the Co-Coach of the Blue Jays? I thought you were with a sister or girlfriend or something."

"The host last night mentioned me as the Co-Coach." I said. "To be honest, I never listen. They're the same teams each year." He said.

"Owen, let's go, stop talking to that Lady Blue Jay." One of his friends said. "Look, I'll meet you on the golf course, the third hole, near the woods. Tonight at 10, alright?" He said to me.

I nodded and he ran to his friends. I ran to the bus, grabbed the First Aid Kit. I ran back and the game is all set.

About two and a half hours later the game finished and we won 12-8. "Nice coaching today." The other coach said to me. "Thanks." I said smiling.

We packed up, and as we were walking to the bus, we walked past the Tornados game. We went up against the fence and watched. Owen was pitching.

Their game lasted for about 3 hours and they won 10-7, we got on the bus and left. "Avalon, I think that third baseman on the other team was hitting on you during our game." Someone said.

"Yeah he literally threw his bat back and almost hit me." I said laughing. When we got back to the hotel Nolan told me to change into my bathing suit.

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