45. Day 1 Night 1

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It was about 4 o'clock and it was bright as shit. I walked into the bathroom, put on my black and neon pink bathing suit, and a muscle tee over.

It was extremely bright outside. So we usually go to the lake but today we're just gunna go up to the pool.

I nodded, grabbed my sunglasses and my towel. "Piggy?" Nolan asked me. I nodded and jumped onto his back.

The entire team followed us up to the pool. I laid my towel on the area with the fake grass. "I'm love how quiet it is, because this is the private pool, all the other teams have to go to the public one down there." I said smiling.

I took off my shirt and jumped into the pool and everyone else followed in. We swam around a little bit and I went to the bar, but I wasn't in the mood for alcohol.

"One water please." I asked the girl. "No alcohol?" She asked and laughed. "Nah not today." I said laughing.

"Mind asking me how old you are?" She said. "Eighteen, you?" "Twenty one." She said while handing me a water bottle.

"You're young, most bartenders are like thirty and up." I said laughing. She took a seat on her chair on the other side of the counter.

"Well this is actually a good paying job, and I get to meet a lot of people. I got to serve Taylor Swift one time." She said.

"Dude, you're so lucky." I said. Nolan came up and hugged me from behind. "Some guys and I are going to the ice cream place down in the food court, want anything?" He asked.

"Chocolate Fudge Brownie pleaseeee." I said. "Alright." Nolan said and kissed my head. Pretty much 3/4ths of the team went down.

"Boyfriend?" She asked me. "Best friend." I said smiling. "You get that a lot don't you?" She said laughing. "You have no idea."

"Well he seems like he likes you." She said. "How? Like people say we do but I don't see how." I said.

"Well from where I see it, the way he looks at you gave it away to me and sweetie, no best friends kiss each other on the head." She said laughing.

"Something happened between then two of you." She said. "No well, not between me and him, but a different guy." I said.

"I swear I've been through everything with relationships and stuff." She said.

I explained what happened and I sipped the water. "Well I lied." She said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well I haven't been through everything but I have been cheated on. See just get over the guy who cheated on you, he's not worth it, alright?" She said. "I have another question." I said.

"Hit me." She said. "So I'm here for the baseball tournament." I said. "Yeah, I know, your the co coach for the Blue Jays, I was at the dinner yesterday." She said.

"Yeah, and our rivals the tornados... So I met this guy and he's on that team, and he asked me to meet him on the golf course and I'm not sure if I should." I said. "Babe, if you think he's trust worthy and cute, go for it." She said.

I smiled. "I'm Avalon by the way." I said smiling. "I'm Jenna." She said.

Nolan then came up and handed me the ice cream. "Nice meeting you." I said while walking to my towel." "You too." She said.

I walked to my towel, Nolan sat down, and I sat next to him while eating the ice cream.

For about two hours we sat and just spoke. I also took out my camera and snapped some pics.

"Avalon, I'll be here from two to midnight for the rest of the week." Jenna said. My team and I walked down stairs and we all took turns taking showers and changing.

I brushed my hair out, put on mascara, and put on my black mini dress and my black converse. "Guys coach wants us to leave for dinner now."

We walked down to the Italian restaurant. We sat near each other and the host then came up and said the standings.

We then ate, as I was done, I saw Owen and he looked at me. His friends saw me and pulled Owen away.

After dinner we walked upstairs an sat. It was literally 9:30 and everyone changed except for me. I opened the door and stepped out when Jackson stopped me.

"Avalon, where you headed?" He asked. "I just wanna roam around." He said. "I'll come along." He said. "No I'm fine." I said. He nodded and I went down to the lobby.

I then looked around and walked on the good course to the third hole near the woods.

When I got there I saw Owen. "Hey." I said. "Hey, you actually came." He said. "Well yeah, I'm not the type of person who stands people up."

"Well I'm glad you came, I set up a blanket and everything. But we just finished dinner so I just got frozen yogurt. Chocolate because I saw you eating it for dessert earlier." He said. "Thanks." I said while laughing and sitting down.

"So tell me about you." He asked me. "Hmmm, well what do you wanna know?" I asked him. "Just you in general."

"Well I lost my parents and siblings in a fire on my 18th birthday, that's like one of the first things I usually tell people. I moved from New York to an orphanage in California, and yeah. That's all of the major stuff." I said.

"I'm sorry." He said. "No it's fine, trust me." I said. "You know we really shouldn't be doing this." I said and laughed.

"Why not? Just because our teams are rivals doesn't mean we have to." He said smiling. "Right." I said smiling back at him.

"Hey what's your number?" He asked. "Here give me your phone." I said. I put in my number and he texted me right at the spot to make sure I didn't give him the wrong number.

"We should get back so people don't get curious or whatever." He said. "Good idea." We walked in together but separated into different elevators.

I was smiling all the way up. I don't know why. But I was kind of just happy I don't know.

I walked in and brushed my hair out, put on a tee shirt and pajama shorts and went out onto the patio.

I pretty much stayed up till one in the morning, texting him on the patio, and eventually fell asleep.

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