14. First Crush

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This morning I woke up with my head on Zack's chest. It was so early that the sun has not even fully rose. I looked at my laptop and a lot of people commented and liked my video. There was a comment that specifically popped out at me.

"Poppalox: Did anyone notice when Avalon was talking about Zack being her boyfriend, Zack puts his arm around her and Derek gives Zack the most disgusted face ever. Then Zack takes his arm off of Avalon's shoulder? Is there like a rule or something that teens in the same orphanage houses can't date?"

I stood thinking about that and read the replies from the other viewers to that one comment. But before I read more, I rewatched the video and saw it happen for myself.

"Liddypayo: YEAH I NOTICED THAT TOO! Idk if there's a rule or anything but I swear Derek has some type of feeling for Avalon that's more than, like you know."

"Xpares: I don't think there's a rule, I think it's just really wrong. But Derek obviously likes her. I'm a guy and that's legit how my friends act when I do that to a girl they like."

I sat and just read through more of their comments. It was about 5:20 and I took a quick shower. I dried my hair and put it in a high ponytail. I put on mascara and then my glasses.

I wrapped my towel around my body and went into my walk in closet, I shut the door behind me and put on my spandex and my old volleyball pinnie from my old school.

I put on my black converse and woke Zack up. When he woke up it was about 5:45. I ran downstairs and started to make breakfast.

Zack walked down stairs into the kitchen. "Hey, I'm going to go home change for the day and come back for today's lesson. See you later." He said with his flannel unbuttoned.

"I'll see you in an hour." He said while kissing my cheek. "Are you going eat?" I asked him. "I've got food back home, see you later, and are you coming to the baseball game later? We may need an extra player!" He said smiling. "You're funny. But of course I'm coming!" I said.

At 6 o'clock, Derek came down and set out the plates and utensils. We weren't talking, we just did what we needed to do. I poured orange juice into a pitcher and placed it on the table along with water and our food.

I needed to ask Derek about those comments and why he did that yesterday. "Derek can I ask you som-" I was cut off by Logan and Mitch.

"YESSS breakfast! I like it when you cook." Mitch said laughing. "Yeah, breakfast." I said. Derek looked at me confused.

"Let's go guys! Breakfast!" I yelled.

Everyone came downstairs except for Morgan. "Guys, where's Morgan?" I asked. All the guys and Lily shrugged. I got up from my seat and made my way upstairs.

I knocked on her room and she didn't respond. I opened the door and she was staring out her window with her arms crossed. "Morgan? You alright?" I asked while leaning against the wall next to her.

"Avalon, do you think I could go to the movies today?" She asked. "Yeah sure what movie should we watch?" I asked. "No, well I love you, but I didn't mean with you. I meant like with a guy." She said.

"Oh, well yeah. Of course you can." I said smiling. "Really? But it's going to be with other people like my friends and his friends." She said.

"Morgan, even if it was just you and him, you could go. I trust you. Just don't break my trust." I said smiling. "I'll drop you off at wherever you guys are going and you call when you want to be picked up." I said.

She hugged me. "Is that what you're standing up here about? Were you scared to ask me?" I asked her. "Yeah, I was." She said.

"Why were you scared?" I asked her. "This is the first time a guys ever asked me to hangout with him or something." She said. "Oh Morgan, it's going to get worse till when he asks you to just hang out with him and only him." Her eyes opened up in shock.

"Well not worse, just more heart racing. Do you have feeling for this guy?" I asked her. She looked at the ground and her cheeks went red. "First crush?" I asked her. She nodded. "What's his name?" I asked her.

"Jeremy, he lives five houses down." She said still looking at the ground.

"Hey, this is only the first. Trust me. I've been through all of this, and if he doesn't like you back, as cliché as this talk can get, there are so much more fish in the sea." I said.

She smiled at me. "Now let's go eat breakfast." I said grabbing her hand. We went downstairs and ate with everyone else. All of our tutors then came and I put our dishes in the dishwasher.

Today was history. I pretty much just read an article and answers a bunch if questions, then Zack and I went over the questions and explained them to me if I got them wrong.

After an hour went by, we all went down to the living room. "When's the game?" Mitch asked Zack. "At 4:20" He said. "Avalon, we going?" Jack asked. "Duhh." I said smiling.

I pulled Morgan into the kitchen. "When are you guys planning to go to the movies?" I asked her. "Four and then we are all going to walk around the mall, so like I'll be ready to be picked up at seven." She said.

"Remember don't break my trust." I said hugging her. "I'll remember." She said smiling.

We walked back to the living room and we all sat down. About an hour later of watching Tv, I rushed up to my room and grabbed my laptop. I sat on the window sill and went onto youtube.

I kept on watching Derek's reaction to Zack putting his arm around me. More and more comments started to build up about it. I texted Morgan to come upstairs.

When she got into my room, I told her to read the comments, and then I showed her the part in the video. "Woah." She said. "I feel like it's just because Derek hates me and he doesn't want his best friend to like like like me but these comments are like changing my mind and I don't know what to do." I said to Morgan.

"Well do you like Derek in that way?" She asked. "No, well I don't think so. I've only been here for like what, less than a week? And for all of those days he's treated me extremely rudely." I said to Morgan.

"Well maybe Derek just thinks if you as a little sister, and that's why he's being so protective." Morgan said. "Yeah, you're right."

Morgan then left my room and I just sat staring out of my window.

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