Chapter 30 - Not Okay

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As nights passed on Hiccup kept waking up from nightmares and Astrid was there every time to comfort him. Whenever he talked to Gobber about it, Gobber told him to relax more and take it easy for awhile. He told Hiccup that maybe he has some PTSD from the traumatic scene. But knowing Hiccup he did just the opposite. He did try to relax and take it easy but that doesn't stop the village or his family.

It has now been 10 months since Hiccup started to go see Gobber. That means Saige is now a year and a month old. Everything is going swell with the village and dragons, but the chief isn't doing the best.

It was late at night, around 1'O'clock when Astrid woke up from nosies Hiccup was making downstairs.

"Hiccup?........Hiccup what are you doing?" Astrid asked while walking downstairs.

"I'm just looking over the village map and looking at all the things we are going to need. Go back to bed I will be up soon."

As Astrid walked closer to Hiccup she noticed that his hands were shaking, his eyes looked tired, and he looked kind of on the pale side.

She placed her hand on his shoulder."Hiccup I know your the chief and you can handle looking over the map and needs of the village, but I think it's time you come to bed. You can finish this in the morning."

"No!" He pushed her hand off his shoulder.

"Hiccup I just-"

"NO!" He yelled while slamming his fist down on the table. As the loud bang filled Astrid's ears she jumped back from fear.

"I said no Astrid. Go back to bed. I said I will be up soon."

Without saying another word Astrid headed up stairs. She felt hot salty tears roll down her face as she entered her bedroom. She has never seen Hiccup this bad. She thought that he was getting better because he was seeing Gobber, but she thought wrong.


As morning came Astrid thought it would be a good idea to drop Saige off at Valka's house, so she can have a talk with Hiccup. She thought since it was a new day it would be a new Hiccup.

Just before Astrid opened her eyes to the day she moved her hand to see if her husband was laying next to her in the bed. To her happiness and disappointment he was not there. She wanted to wake up with her husband because she loves him so much, but on the other hand she didn't want to wake up with him because of what happened last night.

As the morning went on, so did she. It was around 12'O'clock when Astrid arrived at the Mead Hall to talk to Hiccup . When she dropped Saige off at Valka's, Valka was puzzled on why she needed to talk to him so urgently and alone. She new Astrid and Hiccup always told each other everything, everywhere and they didn't care who would hear.
Astrid new she couldn't keep a secret from her mother-in-law and told her about her night. Valka was shocked that her son is feeling this way and agreed that Astrid should go talk to him.

So Astrid headed to the back of the Mead Hall to Hiccup's little office. She knew hiccup was here because she saw the door open a little and she could hear him in the office.

"Hiccup" Astrid said as she pushed the door back so she could enter.


Before Astrid replied, she shut the door all the way to have some privacy.
"Hiccup I would like to talk to you about last night."


"Why..... well because I don't think you treated me right and you are not taking care of yourself."

"Astrid I'm fine."

Astrid was getting angry now because Hiccup was being so cold with her.
"No Hiccup you are not. And if you say you are one more time in going to lose it!"

"Then leave!"


"I said LEAVE! Would you like me to spell it out for you!"

"You need help. And I'm trying to help you!"

"I don't need it nor do I want it!" Hiccup yelled as he got up from his chair and throw his fist down onto the table.

Astrid jumped from the noise."I think it's best I take Saige and we go spend some time with your mom, while you work this out. And when you're better come get us"

"You will not take my daughter away from me!"

"I don't want to! But I have to!" At that, Astrid slammed the door behind her and left.

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