Chapter 14 - Surprise

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Astrid and Ruffnut were having a girls day today. They were on their way to go see Gothi because Ruffnut hasn't been feeling the greatest lately.

"Astrid are you sure she can help me?"Ruff asked before going inside.

"Yes I'm sure. It's Gothi she knows like everything! Now come on let's see what's wrong with you."

Once the they were inside, Gothi told Ruffnut to sit on the bed and open her mouth, so she did just that. After Gothi was done she told her to lay on her back. Gothi felt around her stomach and did reflexes on her knees. She then wrote on the ground to ask Ruffnut how she was feeling and what the symptoms were.

"Ugh...... I guess I have been feeling tired, nauseous, and I been peeing like ever two hours now. It's weird."

"You have? How come you never told me this? Have you told Snolout?" Astrid asked Ruffnut with a surprised look oh her face.

About three years ago Ruffnut and Snolout got married. Ruff finally stopped fighting with her brother everyday, she got a little smarter, she even got over Eret, and Fishlegs decided that all he needed was meatlug, so she then started to like Snotlout and they got married.

"Well I didn't think it was something serious and Snotlout knows how I feel."

After that Gothi told Ruffnut that she was going to check her out to see if anything was different. Once the check up was over Gothi wrote some stuff down and told Astrid." Well Ruff I know what's wrong with you." Astrid said.

"Alright, Astrid spit it out."

"Well, you are with child."

"I am? ......I am!!!" She yelled all excited.

"Yes you are. Now you need to tell Snotlout and prepare for the child." Astrid said with no emotion.

"I will, it's just we didn't even try. It seems so magical, we both wanted a child but we never said when. Well I guess now is the time." Ruff said while laughing a bit.

"Yeah I guess it is." Astrid spoke with sadness in her voice and said it quieter then usual. She then looked down at the ground.

"Astrid what's the matter?"Astrid just stayed quiet."Astrid?" Ruffnut asked again.

"It''s just that me and Hiccup have been trying for a year, and then we do get pregnant, then I lose it and now were back to square one. And you, you and Snotlout don't even try and you still get pregnant."She said faster then normal and with some tears in her eyes.

"Oh" was all Ruffnut said.

"Anyways it doesn't matter. Let's just go get you home now." After she said that, she walked out of Gothi's place.


Once Astrid dropped off Ruffnut at home, she made her way home. When she got there, Hiccup was playing around with Toothless.

"Well look who it is Toothless. It is my beautiful wife." Hiccup said while Astrid walked into the house and then just going to the couch. But once Hiccup saw the look on Astrid's face when she didn't respond to his statement, he walked over to the couch and sat beside her." What's the matter Astrid?"

"It's nothing" she responded with a sad voice.

"Well I know my wife like the back of my hand. So when she is like this, I know for sure that something is bothering her." Hiccup said with a little smile on his face.

"Hiccup please."

"Don't Astrid........ I know you don't want to tell me because you don't want me to worry, but when I don't know, it makes me worry more........ Please Astrid just tell me, I am your husband and I want to know." Hiccup said with stern in his voice but also with passion.

"Ruffnut is pregnant." As she said that she threw her hands up.

"Ugh? I...I don't know why you are upset about that. Isn't that a good thing?" He asked confused.

"Yes it's a good thing. But her and Snotlout didn't even try, that's the problem. They just got handed a baby. But....."

"But what?" Hiccup asked.

"But when it comes to me and you, it doesn't work out." she said as she started to cry. Then she brought her hands up to cover her face and placed her head on Hiccups chest.

"Look some things just don't work out the way you want them to, but like I said, I promise you that we will have our own child one day." he said while brushing his fingers threw her hair. "And hey, just a couple more days then it will be a month, since we said we would start to try again. So just look forward to that, okay." He then kissed her on top of her head and she stopped crying.

"Okay." Was all she said in a more happier voice.

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