Chapter 39 - Home At Last

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Hiccup slowly made his way to his house, where his wife and daughter were safe and sound. There was still a light on in the house peering out from the window. Hiccup then noticed Astrid walking back and forth in front of the window looking worried.
He felt guilty, but he knew he couldn't help it.
Hiccup opened the front door slowly and quietly so he wouldn't wake up Saige.

"Astrid?" Hiccup called out in a hushed tone while opening the door.

"Hiccup?" Astrid turned her head so fast it could give some one whiplash. When she saw Hiccup opening the door she ran so fast to him that when they hugged it almost knocked them over. Astrid kissed Hiccup on the lips like it was the last time they would ever kiss again. She missed him so much, and to make it worse she had no idea what happened to him. When the kiss broke she saw how horrible Hiccup looked.

"Oh my Gods you're hurt!" She said putting her hand up to his head.

Hiccup chuckled. "It's not as bad as it looks." He said pulling away from Astrid's hand.

"Oh really?" She applied a little pressure to the sore on his head.

"Owwww!" Hiccup yelped in pain pulling away from Astrid's hand again.

"Oh no it's not as bad as it looks." Astrid stated.

"Okay okay, I'll take a hot bath and put some ice on my head." He said kissing her cheek.

"That's what I thought." Astrid said while her hands were on her hips.
"Hiccup what happened to you?"

"Why don't we go have a bath together and I can explain everything."

Astrid had a smirk on her face when he said that." Well I guess so."

The two made their way upstairs to take a nice hot bath.


After Hiccup finished his bath and iced his head he made his way to his daughters room. Astrid was already in bed sleeping, after the long day she had and now she can sleep peacefully now that Hiccup is home and safe.

Hiccup opened the door slowly so he wouldn't make a noise to wake up Saige. He walked up to the crib and smiled at his little baby girl sleeping peacefully. As he watched her sleep all he could think about was if Siv actually got her. He couldn't live without her now that she's here. She's his little angel, and she always will be. He would be or do anything for her. He couldn't wait for tomorrow so all he can do is spend time with her.


So I would like to give a shout out to my friend who writes her own book. It's not about How to train your dragon, but if you love the mortal instruments then id suggest you read it. It's called The mortal instruments: In another life
It's by Vanessa Orsi
You can find it in my reading list too! Hope you enjoy

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