Chapter 33 - Back to Normal

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Everything was all packed and ready to go . Hiccup was just double checking all the things he is going to need for today. He and Astrid thought it was a good idea to go back to the basics, by taking a day off and exploring. Yes Hiccup was still stressed out of work and his sleep, but he was feeling much better, at least good enough to take a day off and explore.

Astrid walked out of the house with Saige in her arms to say good bye.
"Now please don't come home to late. I would still like to kiss you good night."

Hiccup turned around from Toothless to look at his wife." I promise I won't. I just want to see if I can find anything new."

A light smile spread across Astrid's face. "Okay." Then she looked down to the ground to hide her smile.

"I'm worried."

Astrid looked back up. "About what?" She asked confused.

"About Saige. She is one and and a month old and she still hasn't learned how to walk. Babies around 11 months start to get the feel of it and then by the 12 month they know how to walk."

"Wow." Was all Astrid could say. She was so shocked that Hiccup knew any of that. Heck! she didn't know any of that till now. " How do you know that?"

"My mom told me. Well I asked her really. But that doesn't matter what matters is Saige"

"Hiccup she will be fine. Just worry about you and Toothless today. It's all about you and him. So get going have fun, I will see you later on tonight."

"Stop trying to get rid of me missy." Hiccup said with a grin on his face.

Astrid couldn't help but smile. "Oh I'm not. I'm just making sure you're on time."

"Mmmhhmmm. Really, sure sounds like you're trying to get rid of me. What do you have planned for today?"

"Well I have plans with Stormfly actually."

"What? You do?" Hiccup asked surprised and shocked.

"Yes I do."

"You do know that we have a daughter now, right? Who is going to watch her?"

Astrid just had a smile appear on her face.

"You do know that she has a loving grandmother."

"Yes I do. I just didn't think she would watch her for us, that's all. Because of the way I have been acting." Hiccup spoke with a low voice. He looked at the ground and shuffled some dirt with his foot.

"Hiccup." Astrid took a step closer and put her hand on his face, she tilted his face up so he can look at her. " You might have been a real pain in the dragon tail lately, but you are still the young man everyone knows and loves. Your mother would do anything for you. Even if you hated her, it's because she loves you."

Hiccup just smiled. " Yeah I guess so."

"You guess so? Or now you know so?"

"I know so."

"Good." After that Astrid put Saige on the ground so she could hug Hiccup goodbye.

"Now what time will you be home tonight?"

"I was thinking around just after dinner. So eat without me okay."


With the day moving on so did Hiccup. He kissed and hugged Astrid goodbye and then picked up Saige and gave her a kiss on the head, then handed her off to Astrid. Then Astrid and Saige watched Hiccup and Toothless fly away.

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