Chapter 29 - A little Time to Think

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It was now morning, and Hiccup was feeling much better that he got that other sleep. When he got out of bed he washed himself up, got dressed and headed downstairs to be awaited by his lovely wife and daughter.

"Good morning mi'lady." Hiccup said walking up to his wife and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Well good morning to you too. Looks like someone is feeling much better after that second round of sleep." She said putting breakfast on the table.

The young man was over by his daughters play pen bed watching her when Astrid replied. He turned his head a little to face Astrid but kept his eyes on his daughter when he spoke,"Well you were the one to tell me to get the sleep, and I'm kind of glad to tell someone about my nightmares."

"Well I just hope they stop. It scares me to no end that you keep having dreams like this."

"Well you know I don't believe in Dream Interpretation. So you should have nothing to be worried about." Hiccup then slowly made his way to the table to eat breakfast.

After everything was cleaned up, Hiccup got Toothless saddled and had things packed for a flight. The things he had was mostly all for Saige because she was going with him.

Before Hiccup flew off with Saige Astrid came outside to say goodbye.

"Alright so you have everything you need for today?"


"Are you sure because last time-"

"Astrid I am sure I have everything I need." Hiccup said cutting her off. "In plus we will only be gone for a couple of hours. I just want to see how my baby holder is working, and then I was going to have a father daughter day."

Before Saige was born Hiccup was working at the forge a lot because he was making a baby holder that will hold a child while flying or walking. It was just like a backpack but in the front, and made for babies.

"Yes yes I know. But Hiccup you do know that she is only 3 months old right .....she is never going to remember this, and not to mention that she is kind of young to fly. I'm not saying that you can't go flying with her since she is half your child. I'm just saying that 3 months seems a little young...... maybe after like 9 months would seem better."

" I know your worried but have faith in me." Hiccup said before giving her a kiss goodbye.

"I have faith in you, trust me. Or else I wouldn't let you take me daughter with you." Astrid stated with a grin on her face and placing her hands on her hips. "Now go on. Have fun. Enjoy your day. Just be safe."

"I will. I love you."

"I love you too."

After that Hiccup kissed her goodbye, got on Toothless and flew away with Saige.

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