Chapter 22 - The Baby And The Dragon

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Astrid, Hiccup and the baby were lying in bed after the day they just had. Valka and Etta said their goodbyes before they left, which was 5 minutes ago.

"Hiccup?" Astrid asked while looking up to meet his eyes.

"Yeah." He answered looking down at her.

"So what now?" Astrid asked. While handing the baby over to Hiccup.

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

"What do we do about the chief of Berk? There has never been a chieftess in charge before, and I don't know how the people in the village will like to start that now." She said sounding worried.

"Well, I will ask Gobber about it tomorrow." He responded. Then little Gyda started to cry. " I think she is hungry." Hiccup said passing the baby back to Astrid, so she can feed her.

Astrid then took the baby. "Hiccup?"

"Yeah" He said looking at her.

"Can you just turn your head for a second?" She asked a little nervous.

"You know I have seen you naked a million times before." He stated.

"Yes I know that, but things are different looking now. They have 'aged' now that I have had a child."

"Mi'lady, I will love the way you look no matter the way it looks. And technically I am the one who made you 'aged', so I should love it." he said rolling on his side to kiss her.

"Please Hiccup just do it. For now." She begged. After he kissed her lips.

"Fine." He said as he turned his head.

After he turned his head Astrid got situated and started to feed the baby. Hiccup then turned his head back to look at his beautiful wife and child.

"What! .......I thought I said." Astrid said stumbling her words.

"Well you are my wife and that is my child." He said pointing to the baby. "And I am going to watch my child eat for the first time, so suck it up." He said as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"Alright fine." she said. "And don't change the subject. I'm worried for her Hiccup. I don't want her to grow up like she is worthless because she is a girl. I don't want her to feel like she is not loved. You should now how it was like, when you were younger."

"Astrid where is this all coming from. I will not ever! Make my daughter feel like she is not loved or like she is worthless." he said with a stern voice.

"Like I said before, Berk has never had a chieftess in charge." She said.

After that last sentence the conversation was over. Then a couple of minutes went by, and the baby was done eating, so Astrid just held her in her arms. Then the bedroom door flung open, and alone came Toothless.

"Toothless! I told you to wait downstairs bud." Hiccup said getting up from the bed and putting his hands on his dragons head.

"No Hiccup, I think he should meet Gyda now." Astrid said before Hiccup could bring Toothless back downstairs.

"Alright." Hiccup responded walking back to the bed. He got back into the position he was in earlier, and Astrid pasted the baby to him. Toothless then walked up to Hiccup, and Hiccup leaned the baby down for Toothless to sniff. After Toothless sniffed the baby's head, he liked the top of her head.

"Toothless bud, don't do that. Shes just a baby." Hiccup snapped as he brought the baby back up. Toothless then backed up with a sad face.

"Hiccup he is just showing that he likes her. And look she is not hurt or crying, so she's fine." Astrid said putting her hand on his arm, to calm him down. "Come here Toothless it's okay." Astrid said. Toothless then walked forward again and gently licked her head again. When toothless liked her head she gave out a small little laugh. Hiccup then had a giant smile upon his face.

"See." Astrid stated.

"Her first laugh. I'm sorry bud." Hiccup said looking up to his dragon. "Do you forgive me?" At that Toothless moved his head closer to Hiccup and gave him a big lick all over. "awww, Toothless you know that doesn't wash out." Hiccup said with a little laugh.

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