Chapter 27 - Can't Sleep

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It was still sunrise when Hiccup rolled over in the bed to face his wife.

"Good morning Mi'lady. How was your sleep?" He said with a sexy morning voice.

"It was..... kind of horrible."

At those words Hiccups face went to a sad confusion look."Why?"

Before Astrid responded she rolled onto her back, so now she was looking up at the ceiling. " Well I guess what you told me the other day about your dream scared me. I know, I know it was only a dream and you would never let that happen but still. I just keep thinking that one day there will be a day where are little girl will get hurt. It could be from love, loss, or physical pain. And I'm not ready yet."

Hiccup saw the look on his wife's face and placed a passionate kiss on her lips." Yes there will be a day where are little girl will get hurt, but we are her parents and we will be there to protect her and tell her everything is going to be okay. I promise you that."

Astrid rolled back on her side to face Hiccup." Thank you Hiccup.......... I love you, you know that."

"I do actually. And I love you too."
Hiccup then moved his body so now he was over Astrid, and started kissing her. The two just giggled and kissed each other for the rest of the morning until little baby Saige started to cry.

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