Chapter 1- The Big Day

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"Today is the day bud" Hiccup said to toothless, who was laying on his bed in Hiccup and toothless's room.
Hiccup was getting ready for the day that will change his life forever. His wedding day. He was getting married to Astrid Hofferson. They have know each other since they were very little, but they have only started to date 6 years ago. After the incident of Hiccup's father passing away the village needs a heir to the thrown after Hiccup, so he thought it was time to ask Astrid to marry him. It's not like Hiccup and Astrid aren't ready for marriage, it's the fact that they are not ready for children. They are only
21 years old. But Hiccup needs to do this for his people and not just for himself.
"So bud, how do I look" Hiccup asks toothless laying on his bed. Toothless just makes a purring sound that sounds like 'you look fine'.
"Thanks bud. I know I can count on you".
As Hiccup looked in the mirror he saw himself. He had on a fur cloak just like his fathers, the Berk crest belt,his helmet, and his normal wear under all that.
"You look just like your father" Valka, Hiccups mother said as she was leaning on the door frame to Hiccup's room.
"Thanks mom. I just wish he was here to see me like this".
"He is here Hiccup. Right here"she said as she walked over to Hiccup and placed a hand over his heart.
"I know..... it's just's just not the same". Hiccup said as he looked down to his feet.
"I know it's hard. But you'll get through it. You always do. I believe in you". Valka said to her son to cheer him up a bit. "Well I think it's time for us to be going to the Mead Hall now, don't you think?" Valka asked her son.
"Yeah I think we should. I don't want to be late for my wedding now, do I". Hiccup said to his mother while walking out of his room to the downstairs. Valka followed her son downstairs.
"Toothless are you coming!?" Hiccup yelled for his dragon.
After that all you heard was loud movements coming from upstairs. And not seconds later toothless came running downstairs.

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