Chapter 37 - Siv the Powerful

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When Hiccup woke up he felt pain all over his head. He had the weirdest dream that the man he shared the jail with, smashed his head against the bars.

When he opened his eyes he saw Berk. When he tried to move his legs and arms he couldn't. He noticed he was tied to a pole of the ship, he saw Toothless tied down too. When he started to look around he saw about 10 more ships with the same flags all headed to Berk. Now he knew his "dream" wasn't a dream. It was real.

Then Hiccups worst nightmare came true. He saw Dargo! Walking towards him.

"No! No! I can't be!"

"Well hello Hiccup it's nice to see you too."

"I killed you! Twice!" Hiccup spat out with anger.

"Me? What no."

"Drago you will never get the dragons!"

"Drago? Oh Hiccup you have me mistaken for my uncle. I am Siv the Powerful." The man said while laughing.

Uncle. Hiccup thought to himself.
"Uncle? Drago was no uncle!"

"Ugh... correction he was. I am living prove. But back to the point I'm glad you're awake now."

"What do you want!" Hiccup shouted.

"Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup there is no need for shouting. Anyways to answer your question I want what you have."

"No! Never!" Hiccup still shouted.

"Seriously Hiccup? Again with the shouting......... Anyways I am taking what you have because I lost it. I'm not interested in your precious Night Furry or Berk. What I want is something much more. I want your daughter. I lost mine and sadly I lost my one true love with her so I can't have anymore children........and well your daughter is still very young so she doesn't know who her parents are yet. So to my advantage I will become her father."

With all Hiccup's might he tried to get free of the ropes and bash Siv's skull. But sadly they were tied to tight to get free.

Hiccup just looked up at Siv with disgust. "You will never touch my daughter." He sad with ragging anger.

"Oh Hiccup it doesn't even matter what you think because I already have plans on how to get your daughter. Oh wait! I mean my daughter." Siv then chuckled and walked away.

"You disgust me!" Hiccup shouted making Siv turn around and walk back. "How did you even know that I have all these things?"

"Well you remember that old man in jail with you? Yeah well that would be my father. He didn't think that what I do is right and he tried to stop me. But I'm better and not old so I had an advantage and I got the power." Siv said having a smile of victory on his face. " And once I got the power I put him in the jail cell. But for his freedom he gathered information and then knocked you out......... I told him to never come back to these ships or else. So right now, I have no idea where he is ." And with that blob of information Siv gave Hiccup, he walked away.


A few minutes went by and the ships had been dock on Berk. Of course the Berkians had no idea that these people were coming, so this was a sneak attack.

On the boats the men were all getting ready with armour and weapons, Siv was leading and commanding all the men with the plan and Hiccup was still tied down to the pole.

"Alright men we attack at sunset. Now get back to work." Siv commanded. He made his way over to Hiccup." So what type of fight am I going to have to give to get my daughter, Hiccup?" Siv said rubbing his hands together.

"Rot in hell, I will never tell you anything." Then Hiccup spat on his shoes.

Siv just looked down at his shoes. Then all of a sudden he kicked Hiccup right in the face, causing Hiccup to bleed right on his cheek bone.

Before Siv said anything he put his head so close to Hiccup's that they were only inches away."See that's what happens when you do something like that Hiccup." Then Siv backed his head away and spat right on Hiccup's chest. " You will learn one day Hiccup." Then Siv started to walk away.


It was now night fall and all the men were ready to attack, all they were waiting for was the signal Siv had to give them.

"So Hiccup, you will stay here while we go get my daughter. We aren't really going to have a war you know. These men are just here and ready if someone does start a war. My plan is to just sneak in and out I wasn't even there. My men are setting up a perimeter around Berk just in case. So how does my plan sound ? Good doesn't it."

Hiccup stayed quiet with his head down.

"Well then I think it's time don't you. Men we leave now!" Siv commanded his army.

Hey guys
I guess I should probably tell you that I will continue writing this story. Your kind words and likes helped me make my decision. And you all are right, I shouldn't let a couple people bother me when there are way more people who love this story. So thank you all who helped!!!:):):)

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