Chapter 2 - The Wedding

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As Hiccup was waiting for Astrid to come down the aisle he was looking around the room, looking at all the people. Just then the doors opened and along came Astrid. She was wearing a white dress that goes all the way down to her feet and was wearing a white fur cloak and her helmet.
After she made her way down the aisle she and Hiccup exchanged wedding gold rings that said their name on each other's. Then they said their vows to each other. After that the crowd starting eating. After the rings and vows Astrid and Hiccup sat down and read the terms of marriage.
As Astrid was reading she noticed something odd.

"Hiccup?"she said nudging him.


"Ugh I am a little worried about this term and agreement". Astrid said in a worried voice. Showing Hiccup which term.

As Hiccup was reading the term it said
'The wife of the chief will be checked out every mouth to see if she is with child.'

"What's to worry about?" Hiccup asked with a confused look on his face.

"Well do you know what they have to do when they check you out?" Astrid asked Hiccup.

"Well no, but do I really have to know?"

"Yes! If I am going to bare your child then you will need to know all that stuff!" Astrid said looking a little upset.

"Okay okay okay. So why are you worried?" Hiccup asked Astrid sounding concern now.

" Well I have to have someone look down under to see if there is a change". This conversation was making Astrid feel a little awkward and she was starting to blush.

Hiccup noticed Astride was getting embarrassed so he quickly ensured her that everything was going to be okay." Astrid if you would like I will be there every time they have to check. And I will make sure that the person who does it, knows what they are doing and you are comfortable with them".

"Thank you" Astride said. Showing a little less embarrassed now.

"So anything else you are worried about?" Hiccup asked.

"No I think I am good now. So should we sign the papers to our marriage?"

"I think we shall mi'lady"

After Hiccup and Astrid signed the papers they kissed each other. Gobber came over and asked if they were ready to announce their final marriage.

"Without further ado. You now have chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock iii and chieftess Astrid Haddock."

After that big day, Astrid and Hiccup went to their house. Hiccup's mother thought it was a good idea for her to stay with her friends for the next week while Astrid and Hiccup get settled in.

"Well here we are. Married, home, alone, and in love." Hiccup said to Astrid, as they started to get undressed for the night.

"Yes we are .....and I think we should celebrate don't you?" Astrid said with a smirk in her face.

"Well what do you have in mind?" Hiccup asked. But he knew what she was talking about.

"Well......." Astrid said when she started to kiss Hiccup.

After that the two married couple were on their way. By the end of the night Hiccup and Astrid had fully completed their marriage with the show of physical love.

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