Chapter 6 - Morning

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It's now been 2 weeks since Valka came and did the check up for Astrid and Hiccup. They decided that if they were going to drink the tea twice a day they should at least try 3 times a week. It was now 9 O'clock in the morning. Astrid and Hiccup were just waking up from their night sleep, when Astrid got out of bed and quickly ran to the bathroom. Hiccup being the lovely person he is, ran after his wife.

"Here let me hold your hair." Hiccup said as he grabbed Astrid's hair while she threw up her dinner from last night.

"Thank you." Astrid said in a depressing voice and between throw ups.

After Astrid and Hiccup had that 'lovely' wake up call, they went downstairs to feed the dragons and eat breakfast. But once they were downstairs there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it" Astrid said sounding a lot better then she did before.

Once she opened the door Valka came inside. "So I think it's time!" She said all excited. "Time for what mom?" Hiccup asked all confused.

"Time for a check. It has been 2 weeks so I think it's time." Valka said.

"Okay well let's go then." Astrid said, but before they made their way upstairs there was another knock at the door.

"I'll get." Hiccup said while walking to the door and opening it.

"Chief we need you right away!" Fishlegs yelled as Hiccup opened the door.

"Right now Fishlegs? Can't it wait till later? I was kind of busy." Hiccup said while looking back at Astrid and Fishlegs.

"Yes right now! There is a unknown ship headed to Berk!"

"Go Hiccup I can do this by myself. I have your mom." Astrid said to her husband hoping he we go help the people if Berk.

"Okay but I will be back as soon as I can." Hiccup said to Astrid. "I love you." He said kissing her goodbye.

"I love you too."

And before she knew it Hiccup was gone. So her and Valka made their way upstairs.

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