Chapter 25 - The Wake

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Hiccup was running. He was running to save the life of his little girl. He was covered in blood, scraps, and mud. His clothing was all scraped up and he just got out of his house where his wife and mother just died. Astrid was stabbed threw the heart with a sword, Valka got her throat sliced, and Toothless gave up his life to save Hiccup.


It was just becoming sunset when the attack started. Hiccup was just picking up Saige from her crib and placing her in his arms, when the shake came. He didn't know what it was, but he didn't think it was trouble so he just kept doing what he was doing.

He was walking around his bedroom talking to Saige while he heard the downstairs door burst open and heard Astrid scream. He quickly ran downstairs with Saige in his arms.

"Astrid! Astrid are okay!" Hiccup yelled running into the kitchen." Astrid-" Hiccup stopped what he was saying because he saw a man holding his wife hostage, with a knife to her chest." Who are you and what do you want."

"Well hello Hiccup. Oh you don't remember me? How silly. I was coming here to see you and your little wifey ............
..........I see you have a made a new addition to your family. What a sweet little thing. Such a tragic isn't it." The man said with a smile on his face while and chuckling.

"Who are you!" Hiccup yelled. As that little Saige started to turn in Hiccups arms.

"Now now. We wouldn't want to wake the little one, now would we." The man said." I am the man you killed. Well actually how I recall it, the man you almost killed. You see when your night fury shot his plasma blast at me I had just enough time to jump away. Oh it still hit me, but not enough to kill me. Your little friends did check to see if I had a pulse and I didn't." The man then started moving the small sword up and down Astrid's neck, in a taunting way." There is such a thing as blocking off you pulse on your wrist. If you take an round object, put it underneath your arm and add some pressure it will cut your pulse off for an certain amount of time."

"Drago!" Hiccup said as he soon realized who the man was.

"Looks like we have a winner."

"What do you want!" Hiccup spoke with anger.

"I want Berk, and of course the dragons. There is no point in stopping me. I pretty much have already won. If you take a look outside you will see all my men hold all you people, and the dragons well they will listen to their owners, and guess who the owners listen to........Me."

"No!" Hiccup shouted.

"Oh Hiccup you will. To save your people, and your precious wife and child." Drago said while laughing.

"Hiccup don't listen to him!" Astrid yelled.

"Be quiet!" Drago snapped."Unless you want to die. I never was planning to kill you but I guess some things can change." With that Drago added some pressure with the sword to Astrid's heart.

"No stop! I surrender. Just don't hurt her or anyone."Hiccup said taking a step closer.

"Alrighty then." He then slowly took the pressure of the sword."Guards get in here, now!" Drago yelled. Not moments later, two guards came in threw the door. One of them was holding Valka with her hands behind her back.

"Hiccup!" Valka said with surprise.

"Mom!" Hiccup said turning his head toward his mother. " I said not to hurt anyone!" Hiccup snapped turning his head back at Drago.

"Well if you look Hiccup. You can see they are not hurt. Now, I want you to hand your daughter over to my guard." he said politely.


"Oh come on Hiccup don't be difficult now. I promise that no harm will come to her. I swear on Thors life." Drago said sounding impatient." Just give him the child so we can settle this agreement."

With that Hiccup then hesitantly passed his daughter to the guard. Then the guard walked out of the house with Saige.

"Drago! Where is he going! You said no harm will come to her!" Hiccup yelled with outrage. He was about to run after them but just before he could run, another guard came inside and stopped him.

"I know I did say. And she is fine. I just told him to stand outside. Now let's get back to are agreement. Well listen close Hiccup. You should never trust a person like me..........................
...........I constantly lie." While Drago was saying that last sentence he gave a small nod to his guard.

After the small nod, the guard took out his knife and sliced Valka's throat, causing her to fall to the ground. Then Drago stabbed Astrid in the heart, causing her to fall to the ground.

"See Hiccup you can never trust someone like me. I never play fair."

Hiccup then started to charge at Drago pulling out his inferno. He lit the blade and sliced it across Drago's neck, causing him to be decapitated.

At that time Toothless came running inside the house with nets around his body. He saw; that Hiccup was charging at Drago, Astrid and Valka were died on the ground, and a guard charging at Hiccup with a sword up in the air, ready to hit. Toothless thought quick on his feet and ran in front of the guard, just in time to save Hiccup.

When Hiccup then turned around. He now not only saw his mother and wife died on the ground, but now his best friend. It took Hiccup about 30 seconds to fall to his knees and cry in pain. After about a minute he realized that his daughter was still out there.

Hiccup was running. He was running to save the life of his little girl. He was covered in blood, scraps, and mud. His clothing was all scraped up and he just got out of his house where his wife and mother just died. Astrid was stabbed threw the heart with a sword, Valka got her throat sliced, and Toothless gave up his life to save Hiccup.


Hiccup shot straight up in bed, panting out of breath and sweating buckets. It was 3:00 o'clock in the morning.

"Hiccup are you okay?" Astrid asked rolling over to her side to look at her husband.

"Yea......yeah......just a bad dream. Everything is fine go back to bed." He said looking down at his wife. Then when she rolled back over, Hiccup looked around the room to see if everything was normal. As of it was, everything was good. Hiccup then laid his head back on his pillow and went to bed.

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